The Girl with the Red Ribbon

Downtown - Sheridan, Wyoming

As Finlay stood outside the general store in downtown Sheridan, waiting for his father to conclude his conversation with an old high school friend who owned the store, his teenage curiosity led his gaze to wander down the bustling street. Among the townsfolk going about their daily business, he caught sight of a girl who appeared to be about his age.

She had a captivating presence, one that was hard to ignore. With brown hair that flowed down her back in a single braid with a red ribbon and green eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets, she had an alluring quality that drew his attention. Her fair olive/white skin glowed in the dappled sunlight, and a slightly upturned button nose added a touch of charm to her features.

Finlay tried to make it look like he wasn't staring, his teenage heart quickening as he pretended to be interested in the window displays of the nearby shops. He couldn't help but steal glances in her direction, captivated by the way she moved with a quiet purpose through the busy street.

The girl was of average height, standing at 5' 4", and her slender frame seemed to effortlessly navigate the crowd. Finlay couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself.

As he continued to steal glances in her direction, he couldn't help but wonder about her life, her dreams, and her story. In a small town you get used to seeing the same faces and Her’s was new.

He tried to focus on the window shopping, the storefronts filled with an array of goods. Yet, his attention kept drifting back to the girl with the brown hair, green eyes, and the enchanting presence that had momentarily captured his attention on that ordinary day in downtown Sheridan.

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