Caution Is A Good Thing, Right?

Khun frowns as she watches it all happen as if she does not even exist. The girl who looks like a child just walks off as if she’s in control of everything. It concerns the medic to see someone so young looking walk off from an adult of all things. Is he a family member? An older brother? Cousin?

She is unsure and lost in her thoughts. So much so that she almost misses his words. Turning her tired eyes on him, Khun blinks a few times. “Yes, your van does seem to scream kidnapper, but kidnappers usually run after the children that escape.” She tried to sound like she’s joking, but her voice just sounds wary. “How do you know what I was thinking, sir?”

A frown forms on her face as she scans over the man. “Are you…?” She dares not say it and takes a step away from the van, that wariness growing. “I mightbe.”

Don’t trust people, especially men.

It is something her father used to tell her all the time. After what happened to her cousins a few years ago, she was very understanding of why, but now she is on her own simply because of what she is.

“You haven’t even introduced yourself and you’re already asking me about that society? Seems a bit suspicious and dangerous to me.” She comments, gripping her medical bag she carries.

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