EAST Enter the Room

Police Station - Sheridan, Wyoming

Two EAST agents entered the small interrogation room with an air of authority that brooked no argument. Their attire was reminiscent of characters from a science fiction thriller: dark suits that fit them impeccably and crisp white shirts. The female agent's suit was tailored for her, accentuating her figure, while the male agent exuded a stoic presence.

Their body language was confident and assertive as they approached the Wyndwoods and the detectives. The male agent was taller, with a square jaw and a no-nonsense demeanor. The female agent carried herself with an air of quiet determination, her eyes scanning the room as if assessing every detail.

The telepath, a gaunt figure in a wheelchair, sat between them, his limbs restrained by handcuffs and leg cuffs. His vacant gaze and subdued mannerisms gave the impression of a man who had been stripped of his will.

The male EAST agent spoke firmly, addressing John and the detectives. "This is now our jurisdiction. You are to leave the room immediately."

Detective Harris exchanged a tense glance with her partner, and John Wyndwood's objections died on his lips as he realized the futility of the situation; especially since the male agent had visibly moved his hand to his sidearm. With a reluctant nod, the detectives and John vacated the room, leaving Finlay alone with the enigmatic EAST agents and their controlled telepath.

Yet while John Wyndwood gave his son one last hug and tried to assure him that everything would be ok, he noticed his son’s subtle gesture to his forearm. On his skin was written a phone number that was fortunately easy enough to remember based on several repeating digits. The last silent look they made before separating informed John that he needed to call that number.

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