Stalling Interrogation

Police Department - Sheridan, Wyoming

The small interrogation room at the Sheridan Police Department was devoid of any comfort, designed to unsettle those within its walls. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead cast an unforgiving glare, while a one-way window allowed unseen eyes to watch the unfolding conversation. Finlay and his father, John Wyndwood, entered the room, the heavy door closing ominously behind them.

Detective Emily Harris and Detective Daniel Mercer, the two officers in charge of the questioning, gestured for the Wyndwoods to take a seat at the table. The detectives themselves occupied the chairs opposite the father and son, their expressions inscrutable.

Detective Harris broke the silence, her tone calculated and authoritative. "Mr. Wyndwood, Finlay, thank you for coming in today. We just have a few more questions for you regarding the incident earlier."

John Wyndwood, though deeply concerned, maintained his composure. "Of course, but we've already explained everything. My son was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Detective Mercer chimed in, his approach a touch more direct. "We appreciate your cooperation, but there are some inconsistencies in your statements, and we're just trying to clarify a few things."

Finlay shifted uncomfortably in his seat, sensing the mounting pressure. He knew he had to be careful with his responses.

John Wyndwood's objections grew more pronounced as the questioning continued, his protective instincts kicking in. "Detectives, my son is just a teenager. If he's made any mistakes or misunderstandings, it's our responsibility to address them as a family, not here in an interrogation room."

As the tension in the room escalated, the door to the adjacent observation room swung open. Two EAST agents, along with a mutant in a wheelchair, entered. The mutant had an air of detachment, their features gaunt and their eyes vacant. They were a telepath, conditioned and controlled against their will.

Detective Harris nodded to the telepath, who focused intently on Finlay for a moment. A subtle nod from the telepath confirmed what the EAST agents were informed to suspect.

A cop in the observation room spoke into a microphone that relayed a message to the two detectives in the room. Detective Mercer finally leaned forward, addressing Finlay with a knowing look. "Finlay, we have reason to believe there's more to this than meets the eye. EAST is here and they are going to have to take you into custody for further questioning."

Finlay’s felt nauseous by this news. John Wyndwood's face contorted in a mixture of frustration and fear as he protested once more, but the arrival of the EAST agents marked a turning point in the interrogation, and there was little the Wyndwoods could do to change the course of events.

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