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Character K

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Travel, Help People, Get Paid, Move on.

As she continues on her trek, Khun is slowly noticing a lot of police activity in the area. Some even give her odd looks that make her nervous. Do they know what I am? Her mind worries over this as she keeps moving, making her way through this frightful city. As a traveling medic without a car, she often relies on walking or riding buses or taxis of some kind.

Help people.
Get paid.
Move on.

Her code keeps her alive. It has kept her alive all these years and she knows to stick to it. There is also another rule she’s learning to follow: Don’t trust the police.

She sees what they do to others in this world now. If they have abilities and capabilities beyond human comprehension, it ends badly for those special people. It is why she keeps her power as well hidden as possible. To be a Walker is to be doomed. That’s what she hears after seeing those first two executions. The government made a point to have it public, which tells her they want all other Walkers to live in fear.

Biting at her bottom lip, she steps past an alleyway, only to stop short at a soft whimpering sound. It is definitely not an animal because of its distinct sniffles and human-like nature in tone. As afraid as she is, the medic inside Khun wants her to go into the alleyway and investigate.

So she does.

Within is a young woman, holding her leg that is bleeding badly. She hides behind a dumpster, sniffling and trying to tighten a piece of fabric around the injury. The stink of garbage and dampness lingers in the air as Khun steps closer.

“Excuse me,” The medic begins, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

The woman whirls around and brandishes a knife. “Go away, you copper!” She snaps loudly.

Khun quickly raises her hands to show she means no harm. “I’m a medic…I’m here to help.” She says softly. “What’s going on with your leg?”

“Policeman shot at me,” She answers and shifts in place. “Only grazed me but it hurts like a bitch…”

“I can look at it,” Khun suggests. “In exchange, can you tell me where I can get more…supplies? Or information on where I can go to rest tonight?”

The woman gazed at Khun with skepticism at first, trying to read what the medic is all about. “Are you a mutant?” The question spills out as if it is more of a statement and Khun freezes, staring at her.

How does she know? How can she tell? Am I too obvious?!

“The panic in your eyes tells me everything. Okay, I’ll let you help me.” She says and looks away to let the medic work.

After a few minutes of cleaning and stitching, Khun gets it all done and puts clean bandaging on the wound. It’s a simple job, but effective. “You may want to have a doctor give you antibiotics,” She suggests to the woman. “I don’t have any on me at the moment. She ran out a week ago and isn’t having any luck getting anymore.

“Okay, well…I’m gonna tell you about the secret society for mutants…” The woman replies.

And so, after long talks and conversations, Khun is on the move again, only now she’s hoping to find a society where she can hide.

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