The Police Station

Police Station - Sheridan, Wyoming

As the truck pulled up to the police precinct, Finlay couldn't help but feel a sense of dread about what lay ahead. He knew he needed to explain to his dad the details about his mutant ability that he had figured out so far, he owed him that much for lying so long. His father had taken the revelation of his mutant status surprisingly well, but the uncertainty in the man's eyes was hard to miss.

Before arrival, Finlay began to explain his ability to his dad in hushed tones. "Dad, I can change. At first I thought I could only just do minor adjustments to myself. But I learned today, that I can change like my whole body, into different people."

His dad listened intently, processing the information. The shock of discovering his son's mutant ability was a lot to take in, but he remained supportive on the surface. Inside, he was a mix of emotions, unsure of how to navigate this new reality. If it wasn’t his son, he would have turned the mutant over to the authorities himself.

As they entered the precinct, a uniformed officer met them, directing Finlay's father to fill out some paperwork. Meanwhile, a detective and her partner approached them. They introduced themselves and explained that they would be brought to a room for further questioning shortly.

"Mr. Wyndwood, we appreciate your cooperation," the detective said with a nod. "We believe that your son may be connected to an ongoing search for a dangerous Dream Walker. The girl who ran into him at the grocery store is a person of interest in this case."

Finlay's father nodded, his concern growing more evident. Upon finishing the necessary forms, they were directed where to go next. He gave his son's shoulder a reassuring squeeze as they followed the detectives into a room.

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