The Uncomfortable Drive

Fin’s Dad’s Truck - Sheridan, Wyoming

The ride to the police precinct was an uncomfortable one for both Finlay and his father. They were escorted by two police cars, the stern-faced officers maintaining a watchful presence. The silence in the truck was palpable, filled only by the low hum of the old engine.

After a long stretch of silence, Finlay's father couldn't contain his frustration any longer. He turned to his son, his tone firm but tinged with disappointment. "Fin, why didn't you tell the truth back there when they questioned you at the grocery store?"

Finlay knew that his dad had seen through his evasion, and he felt a pang of guilt. He sighed, trying to explain himself. "I didn't want to get that girl in trouble," he admitted reluctantly. "She seemed desperate, and I didn't want to make things worse for her."

His father's expression softened slightly, understanding the compassion behind his son's actions. "I get that, Fin, but you also need to be careful. We don't know what she's involved in. Mutants are abnormally dangerous." That last comment made Finlay’s more anxious.

As they continued their journey to the precinct, the continuing conversation took a more serious turn. Finlay's dad, his concern evident, leaned in closer. "Son, the way that last cop was talking, the way he looked at you... do you have something to do with mutants?"

Finlay's eyes darted away, a guilty expression crossing his face. He tried to deny it, but his dad knew him too well. The truth hung heavy in the air between them.

"Finlay," his father pressed, his voice filled with urgency, "are you a mutant?"

Finlay looked down, his heart heavy with the weight of his secret. He finally nodded in defeat, a simple but honest admission. "Yes, Dad, I am."

“Oh Shit!” His dad exclaimed.

His father never cursed in front of him, so it immediately escalated the severity of the situation. His father's shock was evident, and a new string of questions tumbled from his lips as he grappled with the revelation. The rest of the drive was filled with a mix of emotions—surprise, concern, frustration, worry and the bond between father and son tested by a secret that had remained hidden for too long.

< Prev : A Change in the Atmosphere Next > : The Police Station