Elevator Ride (JP)

Getting up had taken a lot of mental fortitude for Evelyn Ivanov. The idea of another hot shower was what had eventually gotten her to climb out of bed, though. With this start, she had been able to get moving, using pure will power to keep herself from just sitting back down and falling asleep again.

Dressing up in a pair of jeans, a simple long sleeved blouse and some comfortable socks, she got her boots on and was now slowly eating a bowl of cereal. It was her favorite from childhood cereal, froot loops, which she had been shocked to find. There was, of course, no milk in the bowl so she got to eat each piece slowly by popping it into her mouth while she tried to think of what to do.

With so much freedom at hand, she'd come to realize she could follow a hobby, maybe. She wasn't sure yet.

Simone Freeman had been instructed to bring Evie upstairs to Rideout's office. She'd heard the girl was a mutant, and that'd she'd been... downstairs. That wasn't Simone's purview, and she never found it useful to speculate. The bureaucracy was tedious enough without concerning herself over things she couldn't control. The fact was, Tori Dutton was no longer in charge of the Cheyenne Division, and thusly, no longer her boss. That title belonged to Dr. Rideout. The only thing she'd learned about this man since he arrived was that she shouldn't upset him. Kalahan upset him. No, it was best to just do as she was told.


Upon hearing the knock, Evie slipped out of her chair and carried her bowl of dry cereal to the door. Opening it, she tilted her head slightly like a confused puppy and had to look upward in order to see this newcomer's face. "Hello," She said in a polite tone before popping a froot loop into her mouth.

Simone was taken aback by the girl's appearance. She was small, almost sickly looking. It was as if the girl hadn't eaten in a year. "I'm Captain Freeman. Dr. Rideout requested to see you in his office. He sent me to escort you there when you're ready."

It took Evie's brain a moment to register what this woman had just told her before a sort of awkward smile formed on her face. "Okay, we can head on there." She said and reach to the side where a little hook was. It help her jacket and she fumbled a bit to pull it on, somehow avoiding spilling her froot loops all over the floor as she did so. With the jacket on she appeared even smaller, which was a little comical all on its own.

Stepping out of the room, she made sure she had her keycard that Dr. Rideout had given her and closed the door. Giving Simone that awkward smile again, she offered the bowl. "Want some?"

Simone looked down at the bowl of cereal and let out an involuntary chuckle. "Uh... sure" she said with a slight grin. As she munched on a handful in the elevator, she continued observing the girl. "So... your name's Evelyn right?" She asked, trying to make small talk.

Nodding, Evie slowly but surely kept eating the dry cereal one loop at a time. "Yes, but my father and Dr. Rideout call me Evie. You can too if you want." She explained kindly, glancing at the taller woman. "Your hair is nice." It was a comment she hadn't gotten to make about anyone in a long time and simply spilled out without her able to stop it.

Simone was taken aback slightly. It had been, well, a very long time since anyone had complimented her about anything. Let alone her hair. Simone did put a lot of effort into, so the compliment made her smile. If she was of a lighter complexion, she would be blushing.

"Why thank you, so is yours honestly. My name is Simone!"

Evie finished nibbling her cereal before she replied again. "That's a pretty name." In her opinion, it really was and for a moment silence fell on them again. Her mind went to all her questions and she couldn't resist. "Did you know my father? His name is Demitri."

Simone shrugged, "I didn't, I'm sorry. I'm not part of the field division. Why do you ask?"

Evie sighed softly in disappointment and shrugged a little. "They lost contact with him. I was hoping someone could tell me how he was before he disappeared..." She explained and popped the last piece of cereal into her mouth.

< Prev : Time For Rest (JP) Next > : Evie's Determination (JP)