Returning To The Safety Of Home (JP)

"If you're taking a shapeshifter with you, I'm going along." Kyra interjected with a coldness to her voice as she gazed back at Lydia. "You can never know what they're up to..."

Cyrus began formulating a plan in his mind. "So we head to Cheyenne with the shapeshifter. The shifter changes into Lydia, we make some noise in the city, EAST operatives see fake Lydia, begin chasing her down. Once the shifter has broken line of sight they change back, the operatives then lose Lydia and report to their superiors. Their superiors then have to reallocate their forces in the opposite direction. It buys us time anyway. What do y'all think?"

Lydia nodded along as Cyrus spoke. "Sounds like a plan. I'm bringing Kyra and Finlay, if he's willing." She stated before heading out the door. She waited for them to follow

"Wait..." Cyrus was confused all of a sudden, "Who the hell is Finlay?"

"Probably her shapeshifter..." Kyra said with distaste in her tone before following Lydia. "And just because you know the plan doesn't mean I trust you. You're still as much a stranger as any, Cyrus."

Cynthia shifted her weight uncomfortably as she followed behind them. None of this sat right with her, but she wasn't going to argue against majority vote. She knew the only reason she didn't like the plan was because it put her sister in harms way, but she also knew that the plan was logical - it made perfect sense. "Do you want to see more of the safe haven when we get back?" She asked Cyrus, trying to change the subject

Cyrus chuckled at Kyra, "Hey you used my name that time. We're making progress." He then turned his attention to Cynthia, "I mean, I'm not gonna turn down some more 1 on 1 time with you, if that's what you're asking darling."

Kyra groaned as she walked with Lydia. "No flirting in the truck!" She called back.

Cynthia gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I could use the company." She said, following them out the door. "She didn't say we couldn't flirt outside the truck." Cynthia whispered as they began walking towards their stolen vehicle.

Lydia allowed the laugh that bubbled up to escape, even though it was small. "Thia lost Johnathan to a pretty and smart doctor who wanted something serious. Flirting is her idea of fun, and I suspect she's going to have a lot of fun with the new guy." She stated with a smirk. "Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't made a bolder move."

Cyrus grinned and averted his eyes. "No, she did not." He hadn't been in a relationship since... well since Tori. It'd been over a year since they separated. Cyrus never really trusted her though. Cynthia, she made him feel peaceful. Even even the midst of all this chaos.

Kyra merely rolled her eyes and once they reached the truck, she got into it. "What you gonna do with him?" She gestured to their extra guest that had previously been a captive. "I'm not being his babysitter. That's up to mustache and Cynthia, if you ask me."

Lydia looked back at the Governor who had followed them back. "We can drop him off on the outskirts of town after leaving Cyrus and Thia at the Haven." She said, shrugging as she got into the truck. "If he tells them he was captured by some Mutants that had escaped E.A.S.T, it'll easily be believable."

Cynthia got into the bed of the pickup truck, sitting criss cross against the side of it. She raked her fingers through her hair and sighed. The Governor sat across from her, observing. "Kids like to just do their own thing sometimes." He said, breaking the silence of their walk to the truck. Cynthia huffed a breath out the puffed her cheeks.

"I know." She looked back at him, noticing that he seemed to be looking through her and watching a memory instead. "Do you have kids of your own?"

The Governor nodded slowly. "I had two, a son and a daughter. I lost my son and wife in the rupture. My daughter... she's a mutant. I don't know where she is anymore." He said solemnly.

"I'm sure that she'll come back." Cynthia replied, offering a soft smile as a form of comfort. "Cyrus, what about you? Any kids or family?"

Kyra snorted at being called a kid. She was old enough to drink and had been taking care of herself since she was younger than Lydia. The woman was no child. "When we get back, I need to wash up and deal with some things while you talk to Finlay and see if he'll come along." She explained to Lydia as she started the truck's engine, waiting for Cyrus to get his butt into the truck.

Cyrus lifted himself upward, then descended into the truck bed. "My father was a farmer, my mom passed years before the Rupture. I do have a brother, his name is Nick. I haven't seen him since I left E.A.S.T though..." Cyrus drifted off.

Cynthia's expression fell a little bit but she gave a sympathetic smile. "The rupture took a lot from everyone. Even now, 7 years later, it's still taking. But it gave us the chance to defend those who can't defend themselves, and I really do believe that we will eventually, as a society, get to a point where we can co exist and it'll be such a beautiful world again." As she spoke, she spotted a buck with pink antlers that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. She pointed to it as it ran off, startled by the truck. "See? Beautiful." She smiled brightly, her eyes following the creature as it ducked between trees and ran.

Realizing she wasn't going to get an answer, Kyra shrugged and back the truck up before turning it and driving them along. She would take them to the point where they'd actually picked up the truck and put it into park. "You lot walk back from here. I'm gonna get rid of this truck and I'll catch up." She told them all.

Cyrus grumbled as he got out of the vehicle. "Look like we're back to the ol' Chevrolegs. Well... at least y'all are." He jeered as he once again resumed his floating genie posture, and hovered along side those still enslaved by the laws of gravity.

Cynthia rolled her eyes but smiled. "You're going to lose that beautiful figure if you're not working out your muscles." She said, smiling up at Cyrus.

Lydia looked back at the governor in the bed of the truck, then turned back to Kyra. "We still gotta drop him off on the outskirts." She said quietly, motioning towards man with her head.

"I'll drop him off," Kyra said as she shooed Lydia and Cynthia out of the truck. Once everyone was out, she put the truck back into drive and got out of there. She would drop the governor off somewhere safe enough for him to get back to society before getting rid of the truck.

Making sure no one was following, she would catch up to the others in order to head back to the Haven...

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