Sisterly Arguments (JP)

Cynthia broke the silence after a few uncomfortable seconds. "We have to do something. I'm only wanted because I harbor mutants on the run, and the ones we offer refuge to are innocent. For the most part. The government terrorizes, tortures, and kills innocents simply because they're gifted. What else is there to do?" She asked sincerely.

Lydia thought to herself silently. If it were up to her, she'd rally up the safe haven and relocate somewhere more discreet - somewhere harder to find and harder to get to

Cyrus became agitated, his voice raised slightly, "That's the whole point. These people kill [/i]innocents[/i] and we're planning to win them over with a heartfelt speech from our hostage, which they could just dismiss as Stockholm Syndrome. I'm struggling to understand what y'all are trying to accomplish. If you think for half a second that people will ever just accept mutants, you're wrong. Humans don't need an excuse to persecute anyone. People have been killed by thousands just for being born a particular race, or orientation. Neither of these characteristics were nearly as consequential as our powers." Cyrus paused a moment, he didn't really want to argue, truthfully he was just scared.

Kyra stood outside the room, listening to the conversation. She understood Cyrus's point of view on this, his fear and rationality, but she also knew that Cynthia had the metaphorical bleeding heart. As the leader of the underground, it was best to follow what she wanted.

If it were up to Kyra, she'd do the exact same thing Lydia was thinking of doing. Root up and move. Relocation was safer than becoming sitting ducks with a ticking time bomb making it's way toward them.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she looked toward the room the others were in. "We should get moving." She whispered.

She couldn't believe it, but she was on Cyrus's side at this point. He wasn't wrong about humanity, after all.

Cynthia drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. "That didn't answer my question." She began as she crossed her arms over her chest, but remained calm. "Here's the issue, Cyrus. Unless you know how to discreetly move over a hundred people, and you have a location for them to go, then I don't want to hear anything outside of a plausible solution. I'm more than happy to accept your input, truly, I am. But arguing over this when we have such little time and offering absolutely no solution gives me nothing to work with."

Lydia rolled her eyes upwards to look at the ceiling as she pressed her lips together in irritation. A thought crept into the back of her mind and pushed itself forward. "How the hell do we move over a hundred people?" She asked, mostly to herself. "If we could manage to get to Colorado, we could hide in the rocky mountain range... there should be plenty of resources to sustain life." She said outloud, but it was nearly a whisper as she was talking to herself.

Cyrus pursed his lips to answer, then stopped himself. Suddenly, he had an actual idea. It was a wonder he hadn't thought of it earlier. "We don't need to move the community, we need to move E.A.S.T. They're looking in this area because Lydia is active here. If Lydia were to suddenly be reported in Colorado or the Dakotas, E.A.S.T. would track them there." Cyrus stepped up the governor "If you want to help these people, then you need to sell your superiors that Lydia is gone, with her people. They're headed toward to Kansas City DMZ. Sell them, don't tell them Dalton." Cyrus then turned toward Lydia and Cynthia, "I don't suppose you guys know any shapeshifters? Do you?"

Kyra poked her head back into the room. "A shapeshifter? Those are very hard to come by, ain't they?" She asked as she stepped back into the room, pulling her hood down. "If there was one, we'd be able to play tricks on EAST at all times. Though, not gonna lie, I don't much care for shapeshifters. The last one I met was a real bitch..." She muttered, thinking of a woman she'd ran into. The woman had played the innocent card only to betray Kyra later and caused her a lot of trouble until she'd ultimately had to kill her.

That had been years ago, though. Something she didn't talk about much...

Lydia nodded in agreement. "I like that idea, and I do know a shape shifter - but his abilities only recently surfaced and he's..." She paused for a bit, thinking back to Finlays lack of coordination, "he's just very new to all of this. I could go on the run, take him with me and train him." She said, thinking as she spoke.

The governer thought to himself for a few seconds. "I can do that - easily." He finally said. "I have several contacts in E.A.S.T, it shouldn't be an issue to set them on her trail. I won't mention the shape shifter. That will give her advantage."

Cynthia shook her head and cut in to the conversation, "No, I won't allow that."

Without hesitation, as though she expected Cynthia's intervention, Lydia looked up to meet Cynthia's eyes. "I think we're past that, Thia. Cyrus is right - E.A.S.T would like to find and take down the safe haven, but their main priority is me. They've been trailing me ever since we started this haven. They know that if they get their hands on me, everything falls apart. You would do anything to get me back, including turning over the lives of everyone in the safe haven. If I leave, they follow." Lydia argued - she wasn't heated, but more so consumed by thoughts. She had already begun putting a more detailed plan together in her head.

"Lydia -" Cynthia took two steps towards her younger sister before suddenly she couldn't move at all - that damn gaze. "Let me go right now, or so help me God. You're still a kid, and I swore to dad that I'd do anything and everything to keep you safe. I've given you all the freedom you've asked for - but this crosses a line."

"You need to worry about the people you've promised refuge to. This is outside of your expertise." Lydia shot back before releasing Cynthia from the mental paralysis. "Are we all in agreement?" She asked, turning to the others.

Cynthia stood there quietly, her cheeks red with anger. Arguing more would be futile. Lydia had clearly taken after their father with her stubbornness.

"Can you trust this shapeshifter to have your back if things get ugly?" Kyra asked after letting the sisters have their little argument. Crossing her arms, she gazed at Lydia with a seriousness she rarely showed most people. "He's new to his power and you don't know if he's been raised to be against our kind, do you? What are his beliefs? His goals? He could simply turn on you and lead EAST to us if he chose to. Can he be trusted?"

If he wasn't trustworthy, she knew exactly what to do with him.

Cyrus interjected before Lydia could answer, "The shapeshifter just needs to look like Lydia in front of the right people for a split second. If we have any hope of EAST losing the trail, she'll show up south of here near Cheyenne, with a report or rumor she's headed toward the KCDMZ. There's a mutant enclave near there, and EAST will suspect she's looking for reinforcements. They'll divert their attention that way. All we need is a few eye witnesses, with the credibility of his honor over here, and we're golden."

Cynthia opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off by Lydia, who shot her a warning glance. "I can trust him. We'll make it happen." She started towards the front door, but paused turning back to the small group. "For old times sake?" She asked, eyeing Kyra. She assumed that no matter what she said, Kyra wasn't going to trust someone she didn't know. And Cynthia would feel better if Lydia had someone more experienced with her.

Lydia's inner thoughts were proven right when Cynthia breathed a sigh of relief.

< Prev : Agreements Are Difficult To Come By (JP) Next > : Returning To The Safety Of Home (JP)