Trouble in Paradise - Axo

Axo shifted her weight in her chair as she settled a file neatly on her desk. A knock on the door stole her attention away. She glided over and gently opened the door to reveal one of her regulars - a kindhearted man who needed some guidance in self-confidence. "Good afternoon Mr. Jenkie." She smiled sweetly, her pinkish-brown freckles stretching across her pale skin. "Is there something I can help you with today?" It wasn't their usual day of meeting, but she was happy to help while she had the time to.

"Ah, you know... trouble in paradise." Mr. Jenkie responded with a halfhearted smile. Axo silently noted that the dark circles under the mans eyes were less prominent than usual, and he seemed lighter. She smiled a little brighter at him and fully opened her door.

"Please, come in and take a seat." She motioned to the couch in front of her desk. It sat comfortably against the earthen wall, it's dark green fabric blending well with its surroundings.

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