More Closet Chaos Pt. 2 (JP)

Though his DNA and appearance was identical to Ben Taylor, his mannerisms and posture was off; the overall attitude was different. Ben(fin) didn’t quite know what she was trying to communicate to him; however, he did make an educated guess. It was either going to be wrong or right.

“Hi.” He looked about the closet. “I ummm, needed to get something and the shelf broke.” He flapped his arms at his sides. “What a mess right?” Perhaps she would just leave him be.

That head tilt which made El appear puppy-like occurred again as she glanced to the victim in question. The shelf had been fine before she'd witness the comical stumbling inside the utility closet. She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because others had told her she was always too skeptical of everything, especially when demeanors of people changed. For all she knew, Ben could be having a bad day.

So, she began to ask him questions with her hands again, hoping he would understand her. She'd never seen Ben wear such tight clothing before. Maybe he'd used all his clothes and was borrowing someone else's? No, that couldn't be it, could it?

Shimmer tapped at the back of her neck, trying to warn her, but she let out a hiss of breath to calm her hidden friend.

Ben(fin) looked confused than worried as her hands began moving about. He wondered if that was legitimate sign language. He knew it was a thing, but he didn’t know it himself. So whether it was legitimate or made up, he wouldn’t have known.

Feeling awkward with her outside the door and him stuck inside the utility closet, Ben(fin) cleared his throat and added, “Well, I ummm … I guess I will just clean this mess up then.”

Blinking at his response, El felt her face form a frown and she began to connect dots rapidly. Her mind swirled with a spike of panic and she reached into a pocket. Pulling out a notepad, she dug out a pen and let out another sound toward Shimmer, who was happy to communicate the knowledge to other spiders. The feedback she soon got as she scribbled words down told her all she needed to know.

She turned the pad around once done so that Ben(fin) could read it. 'Are you okay? You're acting weird.'

Ben(fin) was getting anxious. She wasn’t leaving and her expression wasn’t making him feel good about their interaction.

Ben(fin) scratched his head, his hair felt very odd to him. His eyes scanned her scribbles and then he genuinely responded, a slight exasperation in his tone.

“No … I am not ok.” He let out a long breath. “Not feeling myself right now.” He then realized he was sounding like a depressed person about to do something foolish. “I … I will be fine though. Just need a moment to pull myself back together. Are you ok?”

He wasn’t sure why he asked her that question. It was like when someone says good luck and you say you too, even though it may not apply to them.

The question was simple enough, but since she'd just passed by and "spoken" to Ben just moments ago it came off as odd to El. Nonetheless, she tried not to let on that she knew this couldn't be the real Ben. Instead, she merely scribbled again and showed him her response.

"I'm fine. Just my usual problems. What were you looking for in the closet? Maybe I can help you find it."

It was a cheap shot, but she wanted to figure out what was going on.

Ben(fin) leaned forward once again to read her writing on the pad. This was turning into a conversation, which was the last thing he wanted to be doing at the moment. What is others came down the hallway and saw the situation too. Then he would have even more explaining to do.

Nuts, he thought. She was either calling his bluff or trying to be helpful. He tried to get the focus off of him, “Oh, nothing I can’t find myself.”

He reached out and grabbed something off the shelf with his right hand. It was a plunger. “Here it is! Found it.” He chuckled nervously.

“So um … what problems you dealing with?”

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