More Closet Chaos - Pt. 1 (JP)

Ellennah was on her way back to her room, left leg aching from all the walking she often did while doing her rounds and getting information from spiders. As a lover of the arachnids, she never expected them to do all the work, especially since they were all so much smaller than her. Even at only four feet eleven inches tall she was still a giant compared to the large spider down here, which was Shimmer.

Said spider was currently resting close to her neck, in a very relaxed state.

On the way to this hallway she was in, she'd had a small run-in with Ben, who had greeted her in his usual friendly manner. The man was a gentle giant and almost made little El look like a child, despite being older than him. It wasn't by too many years, but she was till his senior and he always expressed the appropriate respect. Plus, he didn't seem disgusted by her love of spiders, which was always nice.

“Have a nice day,” He had told her as they passed each other. She'd returned his kindness with a nod, which most knew as her universal 'you too' when just things were exchanged.

What she didn't expect was to hear a scuffle going on inside a closet she was starting to pass. Blinking her blue eyes, she glanced toward her shoulder as Shimmer stepped away from her neck. They shared a soft moment of whispered sounds before she stepped toward the door. One hand was rubbing at her aching leg while the other reached toward the doorknob.

She could have sworn she heard someone mutter the word “why?” but was unsure as she twisted the knob and pulled the door open, only to find...Ben?

Ben(fin) froze like a deer in headlights at the sound of the doorknob turning and then opening. El was greeted by a sight of the utility closet completely in disarray with a large Ben Taylor half buried on the ground in supplies and a butt facing her. Ben(fin) began to try and get to his feet. It was comical as he kept slipping, or faltering on the assorted debris of cleaning supplies. At one point he grabbed hold a shelf to help pull himself up and it broke and he went flailing around. When he finally got back to his feet and turned around, he was trying his best to keep his cool; as if nothing happened and there was nothing usual to see here.

He cleared his throat and smiled. Though inside his mind he was screaming. ~Oh crap … the spider lady. ~

El tilted her head to the side in curiosity at the sight for a moment, her mind trying to connect dots and figure out how Ben could have gone from walking past her just moments ago to being in a closet. Keeping the door held open, she offered him a wave with her other hand, which had stopped rubbing at her leg. It wasn't like the actions were making the pain disappear anyway.

Shimmer, knowing who this was, took action and slipped around to the back of El's neck, hoping she wouldn't be seen. Something about this "Ben" felt wrong to her and she whispered it to El.

This confused El further and she glanced down the hallway before looking at Ben(fin) again and started to sign toward him. "Hello, Ben." Her hands said. She just hoped he understood. If not, she'd have to pull out her little notepad she carried.

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