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Character E

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Time: Unknown
Date: Unknown
Location: EAST Facility - exact coordinates are unknown

Evelyn Ivanov appeared to be in a familiar comatose-like state that the transport guards wanted her to always be in when injecting her with the latest serum to test out how she reacted. They tried their best to keep her sedated to the max because she had proven over the years to EAST that she was not easily broken. Stubbornness ran in her blood, pushed her forward and kept her strong, even when her body was weak and frail.

When they'd first captured her, she'd been ripped away from her father's arms. They had come for her after an accident where she'd killed an entire group of people for simply calling her father words she disapproved of. It had been an accident because all she'd intended to do was scream at them, but instead what had come from her was lightning – sparks that quickly jolted and bounced before slamming into five men and two women, killing them all.

Now that she was older, the silver haired woman felt no guilt for what she'd done. These monsters put her through torturous experiments daily. When they weren't doing that, they were keeping her so doped up she could barely move – a side effect of the suppression medication they used on her to nullify her powers. It only worked on her powers to an extent, though.

Some of the scientists behind it probably worried she would become immune to it. They weren't wrong, but she wasn't going to let them know that. Not yet, anyway.

No, Evie – a nickname given to her by her father – wasn't going to let them know her plan. She wanted her freedom, after all.

The two guards in charge of her today were currently busy unstrapping her wrists and ankles from the table, never truly careful around her anymore since they truly believed she wasn't going to wake up. Her heart rate was even, as always, proving just how much her body was able to fight off whatever sick serum they pumped into her veins...

“Okay, darlin',” One of them started as he started to grab her shoulder to sit her up a bit too roughly. These fools were never gentle, seeing her as less than human. “Gonna drop ya off in yer room and onto the ne-”

Her eyes, a vibrant blue, shot open as her right hand shot out and pressed to his exposed neck. Not showing an ounce of emotion, she sent a pulse of white hot pain through him, lightning delving into his skin and shooting along all that liquid that made up the human body. He couldn't even let out a scream as the shock of being cooked alive from the inside out hit him.

No, he had no time at all.

His body dropped from her hand as she turned toward the other guard. “Oh, shit!” He yelled and was already backing away, slamming against a metal table.

Taking the opportunity, Evie swept her legs off the surgical bed, feet hitting the cold floor. Her eyes were like icy daggers as she sent more of the horrifying shock along the floor right toward him as he scrambled over the table just in time. His hand let go just long enough for the lightning to miss its target.

The man was a lucky bastard, that was for sure.

Silent frustration ran through her mind as she took slow and deliberate steps after the man. Her body was still weak, fragile from lack of use. Pushing out so much power was exhausting her already, too.

Just as she bounced a bolt of lightning across the room, the man slammed his fist down on an emergency button. It didn't save his life, though. This one screamed as he fell, a crumbled jerking body that went still soon after.

The alarms were loud and painful to Evie as she tried to move faster. Her legs weren't as strong as they were as an twelve year old anymore – she'd lost a lot over the past six years – and she went falling to the floor. On all fours, she crawled her way to the door as quickly as possible, but when she tugged on the handle it wouldn't budge.

Cursing in Russian under her breath, she forced out another smaller jolt of lightning that short-circuited the door and let her open it. The place was already in lock down mode, trying to stop her from reaching freedom.

Not this time! Not this time! She thought as a familiar rage filled her.

Once out of the room, she looked right and saw a slew of men with guns coming toward her. Turning left, she began to move, pushing herself up and using the wall for support. It was the only way she could stay on her feet as she tried to continue forward. A cold sweat coated her pale skin, long locks of silver curls practically hid her face as she ran – actually ran. Adrenaline was helping with each rushed movement.

Why did it feel like she was moving in slow motion, though?

A pain struck her left leg suddenly, sending her tumbling to the hard floor with an unwanted cry spilling from her mouth. Stopping on her stomach, she twisted to see something stabbing into her leg. A needle? She couldn't tell through the blurry tears trying to break free. Fighting them back, she pressed her hands to the floor and tried to push herself up.

Only for a rough boot to force her back down, the cold muzzle of a gun pressing to her scalp. “That's far enough, princess.” A man's cold voice said.

As much as she wanted to shoot lightning up through that boot, kill another monster, she couldn't. Her power was stopping, slowing down as the medication filled her bloodstream and the familiar nausea followed it.

Her last thought before darkness took over was of her father and the hope he would get her free.

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