Water Would Be Nice (JP)

Khunara followed Johnathan and Cynthia, bringing a few things she might need along the way. "Thank you," She told Tessa as she left before going over to Cyrus and looking over him. "Should I get his vitals to be safe?" She asked the others.

Cynthia nodded towards Khunara, keeping her eyes on Cyrus. "John ca-"

"Yep, already on it." Johnathan replied, picking the man up and bringing him over to Cynthia's desk - which sat in the small room made of dirt between two earthen doors, parallel to each other. He gently placed the man in a chair so that he was sitting up right. "Wake him up" Johnathan said, motioning towards Ben.

Khunara stepped out of the way to allow Johnathan to move the man before she followed into the office. Once he was settled down, the medic pulled off her stethoscope from around her neck and leaned down as she put the earpieces in. Grabbing the cold metal, she gently began to reach down to listen to Cyrus' heartbeat.

Cyrus began to stir from his dream. Reality hit him like a freight train and his eyes shot open.

"THIS AIN'T DODGE CITY AND YOU AIN'T BILL HICKOCK!" He shouted as he finally regained conscious, sitting up rapidly. He looked around confused, so many new faces. There was the boy who telewacked him, and then he locked eyes with probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Surely, she had to be an angel. "Am I dead...?" He asked a different woman, who appeared to be examining him.

Blinking in surprise, Khunara had to pull away in a jerking motion as she stared at Cyrus. His shouting was a bit of a shock, but most people just waking up in strange places were not so quick to calm themselves back down, so she was thankful for that. "No, you're not dead, sir." She said as she took a step back. "Maybe I should do the examination later..."

Turning, she stepped around and stood next to Johnathan, moving her stethoscope back to her neck. Her ears were aching.

"Sorry for the commotion, darling," Cyrus said to the doctor lady, "I dream about western movie shootouts... it's better than chasing white rabbits I wager." He cracked his neck and took a look around the room. Several people staring wide eye at him. Cyrus noticed the air was damp and musty, like they were underground. The rest of his environment seemed to confirm the theory. "Could I have a drink of water?" He asked, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.

Khunara looked at Cynthia and Johnathan. "I'll go get him some water." She said before leaving the room.

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