The Welcoming Commitee

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming
Joint Post

Tessa made brief eye contact with Ben and grimaced. The man bathed in lights didn’t seem flustered at all, which meant he was either a fool or someone not to be trifled with. Based on what she was seeing of his physique, she was favoring the latter.

Ben positioned himself on the porch with raised hands, tried to fabricate some courage, and nodded at Tessa to continue.

Tessa called back, “If you can defend it, it’s private property and I can assure you that is what you wandered onto.” She hoped she sounded threatening, using her best rebuking mom voice.

After a short pause, Tessa continued. “Food and water we have. What do you have to trade? And who are your friends you are looking for?” At this point Tessa really wished Lydia was back with her team. She didn’t always agree with the little girl trying to play grown up, but one thing was certain … Lydia made Tessa feel safe, could solve problems, and got things done.

Cyrus pointed down the drive way toward his motorcycle, "I've got extra gas, some tools. I've also got cigarettes."

None of this seemed to interest the woman, time for a different approach.

"Listen, I ain't tryna cause no trouble. But I have some friends out here, they have a community of... special people. I need to find 'em, pass on some information." Cyrus figured based on the security measures, he was at the right place. He'd already gotten himself lost 3 times, and this place matched Pearwin's description. Or... maybe it didn't. That feller was hard to understand.

Tessa indeed wasn’t interested in trading for such things, though the motorcycle was tempting. It was curious why the man would be willing to trade his transportation though. Even though her tone wasn’t showing it, she was planning on providing this stranger with some food and water even if they had to send him on his way. In times like these, it was important to help those in need and not forget the dignity of humanity. She was alive today because some strangers, that owed her nothing, were charitable. That being said, charitable didn’t mean stupid; it was best to be cautious.

By now the silent alarm should have reached everyone down below and they would have implemented the procedures for moments such as these. In addition, the higher ups, like Johnathan and Cynthia would have been notified. Hopefully they would be up soon enough to relieve her. If not, she knew what to do in their absence.

“Well it is refreshing to hear you have sense. We aren’t looking for trouble either. Ben will be coming out to give you some food and water while we figure this all out.” Tessa looked to Ben.

Ben shook his head no, but Tessa gave him a look that made him remember his duties. Moments later a hesitant Ben, made his way down the driveway with a canteen of water and a bag full of assorted nuts. It had already been prepared prior to Cyrus’s arrival, standard travel backs for anyone doing a day trip off site. Ben was in his early twenties and had a linebacker fresh out of high school look about him, with a little something of a baby face despite his body size.

While Ben approached, his silhouette backed by the lights becoming visible to Cyrus, Tessa tried to keep Cyrus’s attention split. “If you have information, you can let me know and I will be sure to pass it on.”

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