Too Late for Visitors

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming
Joint Post

As Cyrus approached the house he heard a loud thump, then suddenly the front lawn was brighter than mid day. Motion light flashed on from dozens of angles, highlighting Cyrus perfectly in the open.

Cyrus stopped dead in his tracks. He quickly generated a barrier against his skin and clothing, preparing for any sort of projectiles coming his way.

Cyrus wouldn’t be able to see her with all the lights in his face; however, he could hear her. Tessa Miller was about fifty feet from Cyrus, vigilantly standing on the front wraparound porch. She called out to him in a loud voice. “That’s close enough stranger. What pray tell made you think trespassing on private property at this hour of the night a good idea?”

Near her was Ben, another gifted from the community that had been assigned to assist at the front gate, replacing the recently missing Malik. It had not yet been discovered that the member of the community had been killed by Lydia Black. Just like Malik, his role was more the bouncer should things needs to go there.

Cyrus looked toward the voice, unable to make out anything other than the person was female.

"Well if we're being honest private property don't mean much these days. I'm not looking for trouble, just food and water. Willing to trade for it. I'm also looking for some friends out this way, maybe you could help."

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