Welcome to Owl Creek

Owl Creek, Wyoming

Perrine considered Sophia's words as they traveled onward, feeling the weight of her past even in her hesitant explanation. He saw the pain in her eyes, the reluctance to reveal more. His gift allowed him deep meaningful connection with animals, but humans sometimes didn’t consider that they themselves are animals too. Honey, the wolf-dog, was a constant, loyal companion to Sophia, and Perrine could see the depth of their bond. The fact that Honey had saved her spoke volumes. Perrine yipped to Honey in affirmation.

“Yunderstood ," Perrine said simply, his words coming out slowly and with effort.

The wagon creaked and groaned as they moved, the sound of wooden wheels against the uneven ground blending with the distant calls of mutated wildlife. They were nearing Owls Creek. Some places around the country seemed mildly altered, but on occasion one might come across a wildly effected area of the Rupture; a node of transformation. Owl Creek was one such place.

Luna trotted steadily, her hooves making a rhythmic clopping sound that was almost comforting in its familiarity. Whisp, the barn owl, slept soundly in the wagon, occasionally shifting his wings as if dreaming. Perrine didn’t mention this, but Whisp was the groups primary guardian at night, hence why he slept most of the day. So Sophia would keep first watch, but Whisp would be secretly and unseen watching as well.

"Veill bee n Oull Ceek suun," Perrine said, glancing at Sophia. "Gud plaze ta wrest." What he meant is for someone like him. Most avoided Rupture nodes like Owl Creek because they were scary, alien and dangerous as they were equally bizarre and beautiful. It was one of his tactics for traveling safely, as it greatly reduced the chances of bumping into unwanted or inhospitable people.

As they entered the territory of Owl Creek, like a gradient, the environment around them became even more surreal. The translucent waters of the creek glowed with bioluminescent fish, casting an eerie light that reflected off the iridescent feathers of birds flying above. Elongated, skeletal creatures resembling deer and elk grazed on the hillsides, their movements graceful and otherworldly.

The air was filled with the sounds of newly formed insect species, their chitinous clicks creating a strange symphony that echoed through the trees. Ethereal fireflies and luminescent reptilian anomalies added to the surreal beauty of the place, making it both enchanting and unsettling.

Perrine guided the wagon along a known path that wound through the ghostly sagebrush and meadows, their otherworldly hues adding to the surreal ambiance. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds created a soundtrack of eerie serenity. The landscape seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, casting long, wavering shadows that danced in the twilight.

After some time, Perrine spotted a suitable place to camp near the creek, where the ground was relatively flat and sheltered by a canopy of ghostly sagebrush. He guided Luna to a stop and began the process of setting up camp.

The chosen campsite was a small clearing by the creek, surrounded by towering, bioluminescent trees that cast a soft, eerie light. The translucent water of the creek flowed gently nearby, its surface glowing with the luminous forms of fish swimming lazily beneath. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the faint scent of moss and damp earth.

Perrine unhitched Luna from the wagon, patting her gently on the neck. She nickered softly, her eyes reflecting the strange light of their surroundings. He began to unpack the wagon, setting up a small tent for shelter and unrolling sleeping mats. Peekaboo, the small white mouse with grey patches, scampered around, exploring their new surroundings with curiosity.

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