Boredom in No Time Flat

Underground Mutant Community - Medical Wing

Finlay lay in his medical room alone, the subdued lighting and quiet hum of medical equipment providing a stark contrast to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in his mind. He couldn't help but think about his family, his old life that now seemed forfeit in the wake of discovering his mutant abilities. Memories of his parents and siblings flashed through his mind, their faces fading into the uncertain future he now faced alone. Would he ever see them again? Would it put them in jeopardy if he did? Would they shun him as a freak? He shook his head in disapproval of the last thought, discarding it.

Only twenty minutes had passed, and boredom settled in as he lay in bed, his thoughts now drifting between prayers and attempts to recite scripture from memory. Frustration tinged his voice as he whispered verses, seeking solace in the familiar words. His mind and heart were having trouble getting on the same page. Suddenly, anxiety gripped him, and he found himself blurting out Psalm 23 aloud, the words a comfort and a plea for reassurance in his current predicament. The outburst resulted in a nurse popping their head in to check on him.

While she was briefly there, Finlay asked about the girl that rescued and saved his life; the fact she got him in the mess to begin with was beside the point now. He was having trouble remembering her name but began anyway, “Excuse me nurse.”

“Yes?” Nurse Emma replied as she paused before leaving.

“I was wondering what became of the girl that brought me here? Is she alright too?” Finlay sat up more in bed, attentive and hoping for a favorable report.

The entire nursing staff was aware of his situation, so she was prompt to reply. “Lydia? Yes Lydia is just fine sweetie. She is a lot tougher than she looks.”

Finlay smiled softly. That was good news. “Could you tell her that I am open to visitors?” Finlay wasn’t sure if he was allowed visitation rights. It was still unclear how this situation worked. He wasn’t a member of their community and he realized that probably meant their freedoms weren’t extended to him.

“I will when she gets back. She had to leave for something important I heard.” Nurse Emma reassured his request. She then asked if there was anything else he needed, and receiving no further requests, departed.

Emotionally, Finlay felt a mixture of resignation and determination. Physically, his body was slowly recovering, thanks to the care of the nurses who had now grown accustomed to the erratic readings on his monitors whenever he inadvertently shifted into someone from his past. In fact, they stopped having him plugged into anything and just increased the frequency of stopping in. Each transformation brought not just a change in appearance but a profound shift in his DNA, a sensation that was disorienting yet strangely liberating.

Restlessness overtook him quickly again, prompting Finlay to explore his room. With careful movements, he began a calisthenics workout, utilizing the limited space and resources available. He started with push-ups against the wall, his muscles straining against the effort. Midway through a set, his body shifted, morphing into a taller, stronger form he barely recognized, but he believed it was someone from the police station. Adjusting quickly, he moved to squats, feeling the burn in his legs as he lowered himself and rose again, repeating the exercise with determination despite the challenges posed by his shifting abilities.

As he completed his workout, Finlay's breath came in ragged gasps, sweat glistening on his brow. He collapsed onto the bed, his muscles protesting the exertion.

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