Back to the original

Lydia smiled softly, realizing that Finlay must be somewhat scared. "I think I can help you shift back into your original form." She said, placing a hand on either side of Finlay's head. She closed her eyes, focusing all her energy into using her ability and quieting her mind to the best of her ability; "Alright, I want you to close your eyes and see yourself. The original you. Focus gently on your original features, what you like, what you don't like, everything." She said, sifting through images, or memories, of Finlay looking in the mirror and bringing those memories to the very front of Finleys mind. "I for one, can clearly remember striking blue eyes, soft blonde hair swept to the side, and gentle but masculine features." She said in a soft tone, her eye still closed and her hands on Finlay's head.

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