See Yourself in the Dark

Sewers - Sheridan, Wyoming

A sense of vulnerability washed over Finlay-Lydia as he watched her disappear into the darkness. Seconds later the flashlight gave them something to see with. Finlay observed in awe as she descended the ladder, her lithe form navigating the narrow confines of the sewer with an uncanny grace.

When Lydia reached the bottom, in that surreal moment, the realization struck Finlay-Lydia that Lydia was seeing herself on the receiving end of the flashlight, a stark reminder of the bewildering transformation he had undergone.

"I'm sorry you got tangled into all this," Lydia said, her words muffled slightly by the flashlight in her mouth. She used her free hand to pull her now-loose hair out of her mouth and brushed it aside. "We'll try and get you back to your family as soon as possible."

Finlay-Lydia, still grappling with the strangeness of her situation, nodded in acknowledgment. "It's... um …I am so confused right now" she admitted, her voice filled with a mixture of anxiety and uncertainty. "I've only ever done small things, like changing my hair length or my eye color, nothing like this."

She paused, her brows furrowing in frustration. While she looked exactly like Lydia, her facial mannerisms were still Finlay’s. "And I don't know how to change back," she confessed, a note of helplessness creeping into her voice. She had tried to revert to her original form while Lydia was starting to climb down, but the transformation had remained stubbornly unchanged.

She felt colder than she usually would, due to less muscle mass and lack of clothing, and hugged her arms around herself. It was not lost on her the sensation of her feminine chest. She always hoped to spend time with a girl, but this experience never would have crossed her mind in a million years.

“Should we wait here till later? Or go further in and try and find another exit?” She inquired looking off into the dark tunnel. The way Lydia seemed so calm about everything made her think that Lydia had experience in matters such as this.

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