Leading the Way

Noticing the blush over Khun's face, Johnathan couldn't help but smile. "There's no need to apologize. Cynthia can be intimidating, and the history doesn't help. But she's got a good heart, she wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it." He said, attempting to provide a lighter energy. "Cafeteria is this way." He gestured in the direction of the cafeteria, which was out of sight for the time being. It would be down a long hallway and a turn at the end. As they walked, Johnathan would sneak quick glances at Khun, admiring the blush on her fair skin that gave off a sense of innocence, and her petite feminine features. He wasn't sure yet if it was some kind of physical attraction, or if he just really liked her, but it was clear to Johnathan that something about Khunara had sparked his interest.
Cynthia walked over to her desk, which sat in the middle of a dimly lit room, and took a seat. She motioned to the chair across from her, offering Sophia a place to sit as well. "Well, if the medic who helped you is a short woman with dark hair and brown eyes, then I think we can get you to her. However, with your permission, the telepath needs to read your thoughts, memories, and personality traits to determine if you're a 'tell risk.' Which, is just someone who would tell someone outside about our society. Full disclosure, if you are determined to be a risk, you will be put to sleep and any memory of our society and how you got here will be taken from you. You can decline the evaluation, but then you won't be allowed to enter. We are working on a better first time entrance process, but haven't quiet gotten where we need to be yet." Cynthia spoke with an tone that commanded the room, her voice was strong and dominant, but also gentle in a sense. She wanted to express the importance of the evaluation, but not take away the choice of saying no.

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