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View character profile for: Johnathan Mayberry

View character profile for: Finlay Wyndwood

View character profile for: K

View character profile for: Perrine Shoshone
A lot has Changed
Underground Mutant Community - Wyoming
Sophia was preaching to the choir. Perrine was completely supportive of her desire to not be parted from her furry companion. He nodded to her with an agreeing look and then turned to venture into the base.
Tessa shifted her hands and using her ability made the wall of earth move to create a doorway for Perrine to walk through. Perrine didn’t like the idea of going in, but did so anyways. His left hand went into his jacket pocket, where he was keeping his friend Peekaboo, a small white mouse with grey patches. After he moved through the opening, Tessa moved the earthen wall back in place.
Perrine was met on the other side of the wall by security on duty. He informed them he was looking for John, Cynthia or Lydia in that order if possible. They nodded and two of the mutants escorted him to the medical wing. They dropped him off at the entrance and remained outside to escort him back when he was done.
Perrine noticed a lot had changed since the last time he went down below; which was a ways back when they first established the place. It was much bigger, more involved and many more people. Apparently it had been growing and thriving. The need for increasing supplies definitely made more sense now.
Perrine made his way through the medical wing. He moved like a calm and causal observer taking his time. He was quiet and didn’t disturb anyone, content to just look into rooms to see if he could find one of those three he was looking for.
He finally peeked into a room where he saw a couple of nurses monitoring a blonde boy, an absolutely stunning woman of asian descent, and lo and behold Johnathan. It looked like they were busy, so he waited just outside the room … patiently waiting for a good moment to talk to John. He brought his mouse friend, Peekaboo, out of his jacket pocket to play and pass the time in his hands. He would give it a second and would hopefully not have to interrupt.