A Familiar Form

Sewer - Outskirts of Sheridan, Wyoming

As Finlay slowly stirred from his long but restless slumber, he became acutely aware of the discomfort that still clung to his body. His head throbbed with the lingering effects of dehydration, and his limbs ached from the ordeal he had endured. It took him a moment to remember what was going on.

However, as he tried to sit up, he immediately noticed something different. The clothes he now wore were significantly tighter and smaller than before. His gaze fell to his own body, and he realized that he had undergone a transformation while he slept. No longer trapped in the form of Lydia, he was back to his original self - taller and male.

A mixture of relief and confusion washed over him. How had this change occurred? Did the sleep somehow trigger it? Finlay couldn't be certain, but he felt immensely grateful to be in his familiar form once again.

As his senses fully returned, he became aware of Lydia nearby. Her appearance was somewhat disheveled, and he noticed dried blood on her nostrils and lips. Concern immediately welled up within him, for she hadn’t looked like that earlier.

"Lydia," he murmured, his voice still hoarse from the dehydration and his nose was completely stuffed up making his voice sound significantly lower. "Are you okay? You've got... blood?."

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