
Lydia watched as Finlay stirred in his sleep, morphing between physical features and back to his version of herself. She decided to try and do something she hadn't done before - overpower someone else's brain waves with her own and force their brain to follow her command. She walked over to Finlay, who was laying near the fire in the ground that she'd built.

Lydia carefully tended to the crackling fire, the warm flicker of its flames casting eerie shadows within the underground chamber. Her priority was not to disturb Finlay, who lay slumbering nearby. She took a moment to warm her chilled hands by the fire's gentle heat, knowing that what she was about to attempt required the utmost care and concentration.

Gently, she reached out, her fingertips hovering on either side of Finlay's skull. Her touch created a tangible connection between them, a bridge of flesh and bone that would minimize the energy expenditure required for her to access her unique ability. With her eyes closed, she embarked on the challenging task of forging a link between their energies, allowing it to envelop her senses and flow through her very being, channeling it toward him.

Hours seemed to pass as Lydia struggled to synchronize their brainwaves. Finlay's mind resisted her intrusion, clinging to its autonomy as if her influence were a parasitic invader. Her face contorted into a grimace of sheer determination as she pushed harder, battling to overcome his stubborn will. The onset of searing pain tore through her head, a relentless force that threatened to obliterate her if she faltered for even a moment.

Undeterred, Lydia persisted, driving herself to the brink until, at last, she opened her eyes. Before her lay Finlay, returned to his original form. She had successfully induced a shapeshift, but her victory was fleeting. Her vision began to distort, and a warm wetness trickled from her nose, splattering onto the earthen floor below.

Lydia hastily assumed a kneeling position, attempting to regain her equilibrium while the searing pain in her head persisted. Her trembling hands instinctively reached to cover her face, her elbows almost brushing against the cavern's floor. She clenched her teeth, biting the inside of her cheek until the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

The passage of time felt elastic, but after what seemed like an eternity, the pain had somewhat subsided, and her nosebleed had ceased. It would sporadically resume, a relentless reminder of the toll her abilities exacted. She waited patiently, determined to grant Finlay another precious hour or two of rest before she would have to rouse him and prepare for their continued journey to the hidden underground world.

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