Introductions Round Two

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay had assumed as much. Whatever they were up to, or lifestyle, must have been a secret. Apparently the truth would only be divulged if he measured up to whatever criteria they had.

Finlay winced as his leg seized up. It was a merciless Charlie horse in the hamstring that caused him to buck slightly and cry out. He forgot how cold he was as the next spasm went up his lower back and into his right trapezius muscle. He just had to ride it out. Unfortunately the spasm, his body fighting to undo the telepathic block, were becoming more frequent. It was either be mindful of freezing or pain; sometimes both.

After he recovered, he took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, his voice still reflecting fatigue. "I'm Finlay," he began, feeling a slight hesitation. She had really helped him, but then again this was also her fault. Could he really trust this secretive stranger? "I'm 16, butttt my birthdayayay is the 13th th th of this comingggg week... I can chaaaange myyyseellff, though I don’t have ththe greatest hhhandle on it yettt." He looked down at the clothes he was wearing, which were once Lydia's.

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