
"The guest room has its own bathroom, you're more than welcome to shower. Dinner should be ready when we get there, so if you're hungry you can eat something before you head to bed." Johnathan responded, his stomach growling and mouth feeling numb as he thought about whatever dinner Cynthia probably had cooked up by now. He had turned his phone off as a precaution, so any updates or news wouldn't reach him until he was home and turned his phone back on.
Moving with a certain grace, Cynthia set the table, adding an extra plate and silverware set in case Johnathan was coming back with a new recruit. The only time he would turn his phone off during travel to/from the city is if someone new was with him, or if Lydia got herself in trouble.....again. Of course, she already knew Lydia was in trouble, courtesy of the police radio hidden in the living room. Though it'd been a while since Lydia had done something as drastic as shooting up a police station and killing EAST agents, Cynthia was calm and collected. She knew she would've heard on the news or radio by now if Lydia was caught, and the fact that the manhunt was still on was more reassuring than anything. She was confident in Lydia's ability to evade and escape, but the more maternal side of her still made her heart skip beats every time and update flashed on the news channel.

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