Who are You People?

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay listened to Lydia as she talked. She was around his age, probably even younger, and yet she carried herself with the swagger and experience of someone much older and knowledgeable of the great wide post Rupture world. Her words, tinged with determination, reminded him of the harsh reality they lived in now. It also revealed how sheltered he had been on the family farm with the illusion of being human.

“The fish isss fffine.” He replied sincerely. It didn’t bother him at all. He was accustomed to catching, cleaning and eating fish from the small lake on their property. Though after the Rupture it was more challenging to catch a fish that wasn’t glowing or somehow different. They wouldn’t eat the mutated ones.

He watched as she ate, acknowledging her resilience despite the discomfort. It made him feel grateful to have her there. She technically was his rescuer, guide and present doppelgänger.

“Thissss mmmay be a stupiddd questionnn, but who exactllly are yooou peeeople.” He was able to chatter out in between his small bites.

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