When Did I Last Sleep? (J/K)

Khun only nods in understanding and wonders how much longer it will take before they arrive. Now that she thinks about it, when was the last time she got any sleep? Two days ago? Three? She naps when she can, of course, but there is never the luxury of a deep sleep. Too many bad things can happen to a petite woman all alone in the world when sleeping. This is something she learned the hard way. The deep scar along her left arm is proof enough of that.

Pulling her bag up to her lap, she opens it and digs around until she pulls out some papers hidden in a pocket. “They can look at this if they want to know about my profession,” She tells Johnathan, setting them down. It is information about her work, about all the things she knows. The stack of papers is thick, having information about everything she’s studied over the years. There was also her diploma with proof of her masters degree in the medical field.

All her life she worked diligently and never gave up in order to get this degree, but now she feels it is worthless. Home rejected her the moment she was found out and now she lingers in the world as a shadow of herself. The once brilliant doctor is nothing more than a small woman doomed to walk the streets.

Hopefully, with Johnathan’s kindness and help, she will be able to gain some semblance of normalcy back.

“I would like a hot shower and some sleep if that’s possible,” Khun says softly. “That’s all I ask for. If I am not wanted there, I will go on my way and never speak of this.” She was not one to spill secrets or even mention information of things she is asked to keep quiet about. The only thing she cannot hide is how exhausted she is..

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