History lesson

"Some people handle death better than others. She is mourning more than just one or two loved ones. She is mourning her aunts, uncles, cousins, her entire clan, her entire culture. That is a lot of grief. That kind of grief would have broken lesser people. She needs time, right now she is stuck in the anger stage." Ezra chose his next words very carefully because he sensed she was finally ready to talk. "What you did at the time was extraordinary. I am very sorry about your parents. If I could have saved my friends and the Rebellion without killing anyone I would have." It wasn't lost on Ezra that he was to her what the Empire was to him.

Thrawn turned to the ones he didn't know. "I can assure you that during the Mandalorian War, no veteran ever met any Yuuzhan Vong. We have been monitoring their territory ever since the signing of the cease-fire. For thousands of years, they have remained confined to their sector of the Chaos. Mandalorians may have breached Yuuzhan Vong territory of their own accord or as part of some grand plan, if they did they died."

< Prev : Contemplation. Next > : Loss