Enemies turned allies contued

Thrawn listens patiently then turns to Astra. “ What are your thoughts on the situation?” He asked in a tone that would suggest he is trying to teach a lesson.

Astra thinks a moment “ Splitting up may accomplish more however it leaves us possibly vulnerable. It will take time to track down the other imporals. We will need some kind of staging area?” she said to him.

He smiles. “ Very good,” He said, then turned to Ahsoka. “ I suggest we all head to the Jedi Enclave, tracking down the other Imperials will take time. We will need a bace of operations. And you can not navigate the unknown without a navigator. I happen to have one. It would benefit us all to stay together for now to establish a base of operation to work from then go from there ” He said.

Ps: Thrawn is speaking in basic Astra is still speaking in Cheunh

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