JP - Feeling Trapped

Caneclone perked up and he went over to the fence. He picked up a stick and threw it for the dogs to chase. He smiled with delight.

The dogs would happily chase the stick and somehow return with three, one for each dog.

Lola silently laughed and returned to her spot, sitting down. Fang watched from an upstairs window while Abraham set up more surveillance cameras than there already were. Better safe than sorry…

Caneclone played with the dogs for hours. He was having fun, but he wished he could meet Gelf.

“You want dinner?” Abe eventually called from the front porch. A part of him knew they couldn’t avoid this thing with Gelf forever and hoped Mark would figure something out.

“I guess so.” Caneclone said, leaving the dogs and going back into the house. “What’s for dinner?”

The dogs all sat at the fence and whined as he left. They wanted attention.

Abe told him what was for dinner. “Lola cooked, so enjoy.” He said as he sat at the table. Fang and Lola were already there.

Caneclone took a seat at the table. “It smells good.”

Fang smiled. “Glad ya like it. Lola works hard.”

Abe merely ate his food, keeping quiet and watching.

Caneclone took a bite. “It tastes good too!”

Lola wrote, ‘Thanks!’

After dinner, Abe would clean up the dishes and be the first to head to bed, locking his door and preparing if he needed to do anything.

Fang would shower first and head to bed as well while Lola sat in the living room watching a movie.

“Is there any chance I could meet Gelf tomorrow?” Caneclone asked Abraham.

“Maybe,” Abraham told him. “Get some rest, okay?”

Lola watched them for a moment, wondering if Abe was just trying to keep the Canestone clone here so that he could be dealt with. After the movie ended, she would go to shower.

“Okay.” Caneclone said, his shoulders slumped in defeat. He got some clothes to sleep in and went to the bathroom. He knocked and when he heard no voice let himself in.

Lola was still washing and didn’t hear the knock, stopping when she saw a shadow on the other side of the curtain. Water kept pouring down on her and she hoped whoever it was would notice the water and leave.

“Did someone leave the shower running?” Caneclone asked innocently and pulled the shower curtain open.

Lola just stared back at him with wide eyes, soap still rinsing off her as water splashed off her and smacked into Caneclone. That’s what happened when you kept a shower on and opened the curtain, it seemed.

“Oh- sorry!” Caneclone apologized, closing the curtain and fleeing the bathroom.

Lola just blinked and shook her head. This Canestone was…very odd. He wasn’t anything like the man that had chased after her and Fang at one time. Thankfully, he hadn’t been able to find them at the time, so she was happy for that. Finishing up her shower, she dried off, got dressed, and headed for her room calmly.

After Lola left the bathroom, Caneclone meekly went back to take his own shower.

Lola would merely sit on her bed for a long moment before trying to get some rest. Only, she didn't get to for long since Aberaham had to head out without warning. Fang tried to get answers for why, but couldn't stop him and watched as he drove away. Whatever it was about, it was obviously urgent.

Caneclone looked out his window curiously as Abraham left in a hurry.

Fang stood outside, scratching his head in confusion before heading back into the house. Lola gave him a look and he shrugged. "Something about needing to stop someone…I don't know."

Caneclone went back to bed and tried to sleep.

It was awkwardly quiet the rest of the night and Abraham would not return. There would, however, be news on in the morning about a house being on fire. The little group would not know who it belonged to, but if the others at the underground saw the news, they would recognize it as Abraham’s old home he shared with his wife.

Caneclone of course had no idea about the house fire. He quietly sat in the kitchen.

There would be a lot of banging from Lola’s room. Fang was sitting with Caneclone and almost jumped out of his skin. “Jesus fucking christ! What’s going on in there?!” He yelled.

A bunch of raccoons soon ran by the kitchen, Lola chasing them with a broom.

Caneclone stared at the raccoons in confusion. “Uh…”

Fang blinked and watched as well. “I…uh…I don’t wanna know…” He hid his face in his hands.

Lola got them to run out the door and waved the broom threateningly.

Caneclone stared at the table top awkwardly.

“So…uh…what you plan to do today?” Fang tried.

“It would be nice if today was the day I finally got to thank Gelf.” Caneclone said. “Or at least met other metas in the Underground.”

“That sadly depends on if Abe comes back today or not…” Fang flinched at the sound of thunder.

Caneclone sighed. If it was raining he would not even be able to play with the neighbor’s dogs. He felt very depressed.

“Hey, it’s gonna be okay, dude…” Fang said calmly. “I’m sure Abe will be back soon…”

“I guess… I’m just starting to feel…. Trapped.” Canclone admitted.

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