JP - The Other Clone

"Hello. I have a man here that was in an accident. He needs a doctor but can't go to the hospital because he has coyote ears." Caneclone said.

“Do you know your location?” Abraham asked, not liking the sound of the voice he was hearing…

Caneclone told Abraham the closest crossroads. “He’s in a van, it’s-” He described Riley's van as if Piritta had gotten to drive it.

“This is going to sound strange sir, but…is there a Finnish woman around there too?” Abraham asked.

“Uh no, no women around at all.” Caneclone said. “Just the coyote guy. He’s hurt bad.”

“Okay,” Abraham said and used a mental map to think of where they were. “I will attempt to get over there and help. Please keep him safe and out of harm’s way.”

Riven snorted, ears twitching as he stared at the phone skeptically.

“Will do.” Caneclone promised. “Do you know how long it will be? He’s in really bad shape.”

“Not long,” Abraham hung up and went over to Frisk. “We need to talk…all of us. The man on the phone just now says Joel is in Riley’s crashed van, but there’s one big problem…”

“He sounds like Canestone.” Riven interjected with a growl.

“It must be the other clone.” Frisk sighed. “One was supposed to not have any of Canestone’s memories and in theory would not be a monster if becoming what Canestone was is caused by the environment. I don’t know if that’s true but the one you just fought with definitely had Canestone’s memories.”

“What should we do about this one?” Abraham asked. “Also…there is a dead girl in the truck…”

James sighed and pushed back his hair. “We’ve got a lot to do…”

Riven snorted. “I’ll deal with the body.”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t trust him, capture him I guess.” Frisk said.

Abraham nodded. “Do you wish to come along to tend to Joel? Sounds as if he’s been badly injured.”

“Yeah. Did he say how Joel was injured?” Frisk asked, hoping she had enough of the right supplies in her bag.

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