Explosive Annie Being Explosive
Annie continues to follow Riley, wondering exactly what he intends to do, but she soon finds out. Prepping her latest homemade grenade, she gets into a crouch behind him.
Riley rounds the corner, his repeater aiming as he sees the Powder Gangers approaching. Aiming he shoots the stick of dynamite one of them is about to throw causing it to explode in the ganger's hand. Smiling he continues to move forward firing shot after shot before switching to dual revolvers.
Thankful for the grime hiding her blush, Annie feels impressed by Riley and finally taps his leg to get him to step back for a moment. Moving in and hiding behind a box, she uses an old baseball maneuver and throws one of her grenades at the group. There is yelling at it lands with little clinking sounds.
"Found it!" One yells as he grabs it up.
Too late, though, for it explodes and takes down not only him, but a few of the ganger's with him.
"Yes!" Annie whispers with a grin.