
Apr 7, 2023, 3:13am by tyrion

Hi, Paul here. We played maelstrom when it first came out in school but only the scenario in the rulebook. And that was a long time ago. Recently I've mostly been playing frostgrave and writ ...

OOC - G’day mate

Apr 7, 2023, 12:49am by NigelW

Hi All Nigel here from Australia. As with most things RPG related my older brother bought the Maelstrom book but we never actually played a game! So whilst I’ve read it and bought all t ...

OOC - Welcome!

Apr 6, 2023, 2:28pm by NerdThing

Welcome to our first play by Post Maelstrom game. We'll be getting going shortly, we're just waiting for one player who has had a family illness. Please take a few moments to introduce y ...