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Character Azura

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Ι don't forget your touch

The forces of the Separatists they do an attack on the planet Manda,Azura is determined to win, the separatist fleet has successfully blockaded the entire planet leading an army led by Azura. The Clone Army is entrenched in the largest city of Aroo. The droid army advances destroying many buildings
"Colonel order the droids to attack military targets only", right i don't like it when innocent people are killed for no reason i couldn't do anything when the republican soldiers,I really don't like it when innocent people are killed for no reason I couldn't do anything when the republican soldiers were arresting Rose, I was standing there weak and desperate with tears in my eyes. A tear fell unknowingly I quickly wiped it away and came back to reality the air forces are bombing the city without mercy, I can only imagine the civilian casualties.
I climb up on the tank."concentrate your fire on this point" immediately a barrage of bombardments opens a crack in the wall, droid spiders bynum inside destroying the wall "time for action" I jump from the tank and kill the army of droids. as I meet the first group of resistance I take out my two red lightsabers making my presence felt .The fire started which I redirect with my blades,I run towards them with speed cutting the first one in two and they throw the second one with the power, starting the slaughter the blood flowed profusely I led the army to the central building where most of the clones had gathered. I order the droid spiders to go to the front with the shields,
and from behind the heavy black droids I sneak into the building through a hole I walk through the ruins before I met a jedi she was a beautiful woman around 25 with a very she was a beautiful woman around 25 with a very beautiful face and nice hands, if we weren't in a war situation I would definitely suggest her to go out for a few drinks, I imagine what a perfect body she will have but I don't think she is good in bed." stop there you are assassin" her voice was serious "oh look a jedi I will enjoy killing you" our swords are ready for battle and we both attack swinging the right and left with skill it was a worthy she was a worthy opponent, I recognize that.with a blow she hits me on the right arm and pushes me against the wall something that I enjoyed not even the prostitutes make me enjoy it like this apart from Rose her warm hands on my flesh are forever imprinted in my memory. I deftly avoid them her attack and I retaliate with the greatest determination by striking her and cutting her hand, she fell down in pain holding the cut end, with one blow I decapitate her,her head fell with an ugly face, this battle reminded me of a promise, wherever you are I will find you Rose and bring you back. That's a promise I will keep even if I die. The Doit Army destroyed the Army of of clones.
"it seems that the conquest of this planet will happen faster than I thought, my Master will be happy, maybe...probably...he always thinks about things that have nothing to do with the war as if he doesn't care about the outcome of the war... it doesn't matter" the battle is over and the remnants of the clones are driven away victory is mine.

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