Characters in this post

View character profile for: Amelia Maria Stark aka Ami, formerly Emily Wake

View character profile for: J.A.R.V.I.S.

View character profile for: Pepper Potts
Ami groaned. Her head was pounding. She reached over and dug in her side table drawer for some Tylenol. She didn't notice anyone else in the room until Pepper handed her a glass of water.
"Thanks," Ami said, taking the meds before seeing the other woman's eyes. "What's wrong? You look like you've been crying."
"Get dressed and come downstairs there are some detectives that need to speak with you" she said and left the room before she could say anything further.
Flashbacks of when she and Tony learned about their parents played in Ami's mind. She put on her sunglasses. The two men stood up when she entered the room.
"Don't," she said, tears already forming at the devastation on their faces. "No!"
"He is only missing at the moment, you know tony he's a survivor and likes to make us worry" pepper said helping her sit down.
"We hate to have to have to do this now, but we need any information you knew about his trip Ms stark" one of the detectives said.
Ami said, "He went to Afghanistan to show off his latest missile. Rhodey was supposed to be with him! Now, tell me someone has an idea of where to look for my brother! Because, if not, I'll go look for him myself!"
"The army and airmen overseas are looking for him as we speak," the other detective said. "It's best if you stay here and-"
"Fuck staying here and fuck relying on any of you!"
"hey watch your language young lady" pepper said as she ranted.
"I'm not abandoning the only family I have left just because you think it's all taken care of!" Ami finished
Pepper touched her arm making her look at her "Ami do you trust tony? do you trust me?" She asked in a soft tone
Ami looked at Pepper for a moment. Then, she burst into tears and hugged the other woman.
"I can't lose him, Pep," Ami cried. "I can't."
The detectives were about to ask more questions, but one look from the strawberry blond had them standing in silence.
"I have gotten tony out of sticky situations before if he needed it, but you know your brother, no matter what he is not one to give up easily. I will find him I promise and what you can do to help me do that is staying here and staying safe and helping me run the lab while he is gone, you're the only one who knows his work well enough to keep it going " She said hugging her back.
Ami nodded before saying, "I guess Obediah is running Stark Industries, then. Alright. I'll see what he was working on and try to... occupy myself."
"you'll be doing more then just occupying yourself" she said "if there is a snake in the garden it might be close to home" She whispered in her ear and stood up "gentlemen please follow me, i will answer your questions and you can come back at a later date" she said walking towards the detectives, when they went to say something, she gave them anther look and the followed.
Ami shut down any other thoughts. Pepper's words rang in her ears. She went to the lab.
"JARVIS," Ami said, activating the console, "lock the lab and record everything on mine and Tony's private server."
JARVIS replied, "Of course, Ms. Stark."
Before working, Ami decided to make a video. "Hey, Tones. I don't know if you'll ever... I'd hate to think I'll never get to see you again. But, I have to make this just in case. You are everything I could have asked for in a big brother. I'll never give up bringing you home." She smiled. "And if I see this on the internet, I'll deny everything."
Once finished, she began looking through everything.