Characters in this post

View character profile for: Amelia Maria Stark aka Ami, formerly Emily Wake

View character profile for: James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky
He glared at her "I said to be grateful" he said in a dark tone "or i might change my mind about saving you...." he said meeting her gaze
She gulped. "Maybe I want to know what the threat is so that I know why you're demanding a Stark to be grateful."
he chuckled in a dark way "your awful feisty for a woman i could snap in half"
"My brother calls me a smartass, others call me an annoying bitch. Only people I slept with call me feisty."
He glared at her "oh and here i just thought you were a spoiled princess.."
"Trust me, if I was being a 'spoiled princess,' you'd know it. Now, what did you 'save' me from?"
"hydra..." he said letting her go and moved away from him, his back was turned and he ran his fingers through his hair
She moved to stand in front of him. "Thanks... I guess... but why save me? I thought you and that woman were partners and worked for-"
"do not mention the woman..." he said in a serious tone as she hit a cord "and why is my own bussiness now like i said we have a job to do so follow me"
"I don't follow blindly. If I'm supposed to be helping you, I need to know what the hell is going on and why."
"then i guess you no longer care about your brother" he said and continued walking
She pulled him to a stop. "What the hell do you mean by that?!"
"what? did you forget who provided the antidote for your brother? "
Ami glared at him. "Tony is the only family I have. Don't you dare threaten him."
"then do as I say" he said in a low tone
Ami hated this. She felt like a cornered animal. For a Stark, anyone holding something over them like this was humiliating. She was a freaking genius and she fell into this man's trap so easily, like the average moron. She wanted to hit the man in front of her, she wanted to scream in defiance, she wanted to go home, she wanted to cry until there was nothing left. But the thought of what would happen to Tony helped Ami keep all of that in. This stranger held all of the cards for now. She didn't have a choice.
He smiled when he saw her give in "good now lets go" he said and turned
She followed. It felt like a walk to the gallows. What was he going to have her do? What was he going to do to her when it was over? Since he wasn't looking, she allowed one tear to fall but she wiped it away. The last thing she needed was to get emotional. Not when she needed to find a way to let her brother know she was alive.
When they got to his motorcycle it was large and intimating "get on" he said as he got on
Ami replied as she got behind him, "God, I hate riding bitch. Can't I have my own bike?"
"No" he said and lunched the bike foreword making her grab onto his waist
She held on to him tightly. God, she hated having to trust someone else to drive. She was pressed against him, wishing she could be the one in control of the bike instead. But she moved with the bike expertly. It made sense. She had played Chicken with him on a bike and only lost because she got distracted. Still, it wasn't an unpleasant feeling, having her arms around him as they rode through the streets of Paris.
He went over a large bump and his hand grabbed her arm o keep her on the bike. crushing her to him
She hated how that made her heart race. But she couldn't let him know that.
"Watch it!" she said. "I don't need you finding excuses to grab my ass!"
"Doll if i were grabbing your ass you would be begging me to do it"
She blushed. "I am not a doll. I'm a badass with 220 IQ."
"so? women can be smart big deal, thats nothing new, your a doll because you fake toughness because our scared of everything"
"I am not scared! And I'm insulted that you think I'm being fake! Give me my suit and I can show you how real I am when I kick your ass!"
"yeah thats the difference between you and me i dont need a suit to kick your ass" he said chuckling
Ami muttered, "Not all of us have muscular arms or a six-pack you can play the xylaphone on."
"i play it well to" he said winking at her
Ami blushed. She hadn't expected him to hear her over the roar of the motorcycle.
"That's not... What I meant was-"
"super solider remember i have excellent hearing doll..." he said noting her confusion and shock
"I know that! But this bike needs a tune-up... it's louder than it should be."
He didnt answer in stead the bike came to a stop outside a gun range "come on" he said
"A gun range? In Paris? Gee, how romantic."
"we are not on our honeymoon here doll , we have word to do " he said grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside
"Do you not understand sarcasm?"
"lets just say i dont for the sake of arguing, now have you ever shot a gun before?" he asked in a serious tone
"I know how to use repulsors and the guns on my suit... does that count?"
He sighed"no...come on your getting a crash course" he said walking over to a table that hand many different kind of guns on it
"You can not be serious. The last time I held a gun, is was a toy filled with water."
"nope pick a gun, i let you try anyone you want to start with" he said
Ami picked up a handgun after putting protective gear on. She knew the mechanics of shooting, but she didn't have her targeting system and had never even held a real gun.
"Are they supposed to be this heavy?" she asked.
"depends on your strength and the gun you choose now let me see how you aim , do not fire" He said standing behind her
She held it up with both hands, her arms stiff. She had one eye closed, trying to line up the shot.
his arms came around her , one hand gripped her bottom wrist the other her shoulders , he started to adjust her aim "your short you have to keep your height in mind when aiming"
She gulped, trying not to let lust take over at having him so close. Despite his strength, his touch was gentle.
"I'm of average height, thank you," she said, trying to hide her not-so-innocent reaction to having him practically pressed against her.
"not your not your two inches under average and that matters, this is two inches " he said his hand grabbing hers and firing the gun twice. it hit the target, one in the head the other the throat "now imagine that where you where aiming," he said again pulling the trigger twice with her hand still on it , it hit the target in the stomach both times
"Well, excuse me, but I'm not used to firing guns," she said. "I know how to box. But I've never been in a situation where I needed to have a gun."
"thats why we are try it yourself " he said backing away and releasing her but still stood behind her
Ami took a breath, steeling herself. Just as she pulled the trigger, her eyes closed. Because of this, she missed the target completely.
she also fell backwards right into his chest, his strong hands grabbed her arms so she didn't fall "cant shoot a target you cant see" he said in alow tone
Ami was flustered. She could feel every muscle he had against her back... along with everything else. Did this man have to be so damn sexy and infuriating at the same damn time? He was practically blackmailing her, and yet, all her brain could think of was getting him into her bed.
"R-right," she managed to say after a moment. "Makes sense..."
He gripped her hips and moved her forward back to stand at the table "again" he ordered in a tense tone
Ami tried again, squeaking when the gun jumped after pulling the trigger. She put it on the table and backed away.
"I don't think it likes me," she said.
"neither do i but here we are, again." he said "there is no need to be afraid when you are in control not the gun."
She tries again, but this time, the gun flies out of her hand and he has to catch it.
"This isn't working," she said. "Guns aren't my thing, clearly. And why would I need to know how to shoot? Other than for carnival games."