19: Shen Li (Min post)

Min was delighted that someone else spoke Korean, it was something from home. Shen’s multilingual capability made his accent hard to place but he spoke well and clearly. This small bond made Min happy.
Min had no problem making friends, he tried to get along with everyone. The predominant culture was American but it was a multinational school so there were many cultures and nationalities to learn about. He liked that. The fact he spoke four languages did not make Min feel he was being big headed, after all Min spoke three and was going to be learning a fourth. Although he did not know which one yet.
Although talking in a language most did not understand might seem antisocial it also gave a warm, small feeling of security.
As the pack was not really a burden Min showed Shen the ground floor of the mansion with reference to the tablet’s map. Expiring the front of the building before them stood a huge wide greenhouse, inside which several teaching areas were situated. The long building that ran along the back of the greenhouse was the primary educational block. The greenhouse was climate controlled and some of the class had tinted to block the bulk of the sunshine. Min explained it was a popular teaching space as it could be configured for many functions.
Min told his new companion some things about himself. He played guitar, a little, having been in a short lived boy band he thought he should learn an instrument as bands played instruments. He liked skateboarding and warned Shen that he might be discovered dancing. Min loved dancing.
Institute Gallery
OOC: James can you put a link in to the photo gallery of the school, I cannot make it work, thanks.

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