19: Shen Li (Shen Li Post)

Shen might had started out fairly close to to Min's departure, but he had the disadvantage of not knowing where he was going, and moved along less confidently. He was also slowed by his taking note of what he passed on the way, less he get lost. His prior school had been on an estate, but there every building was in view of one another, around a central field on one side, and a defining wall all around it. Xavier's was enormous.

By the time he had caught up to his roommate, the other youth was on his way back. He was holding a backpack, which he presented to Shen. He took it with bow, and expression of gratitude. He was surprised at how complete the pack was with everything he would need to get along at the school academically. He already had a tablet and phone, but he could see the value of having technology that was configured to work with the school's networks, without security issues. He followed carefully hoping to not have to ask the same questions later because of inattentiveness.

"Thank you," Shen said searching for the right words. In first encounters he was painfully aware of how awkward he could be while he gained his footing. He wasn't shy, but getting to know someone and a strange new location at the same time, always put him on uncertain footing.

"I speak Korean," he admitted in Korean. "Honestly, I have spoken Thai, Korean, and Mandarin for so long that I sometimes forget which one I answer a person in. My father used to take us on business trips all the time, I don't think I actually have as singular native tongue."

He wasn't bragging, he was just a child of international parents and learned multiple languages, almost from birth.

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