07.04: Ayala and Dead Girl

“Russian,” Val repeated for Ayala, “is the language of a people from far away. Literature is part of the written form of a language. Stories.”
Ayala is the epitome of the young statuesque aryan archetype, this is not lessened one bit by the standard issue grey uniform sweats she wears.
“Dee’s function here? She is our guest for now. Like you she is a visitor whose life has been changed without her say so. How long she stays with us is entirely up to her.”
Bernice joined the conversation. “You are both new arrivals here, lives are changing unexpectedly. So I would avoid hasty decisions, you have all the time you need to find a new starting point. There is no pressure for haste from us, is there Val?”
“Quite the contrary,” the head teacher stated, ‘I would prefer that you take whatever time you need, that may be days or weeks, months even. The school will ensure your safety and give you stability whilst you both work this through. The staff here, the brood seniors,” she added for clarity for Ayala, “like Bernice and I, will help all we can.”
“These are the dorm rooms,” Bernice explained, “are personal living spaces Ayala.”

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