Chris Is Honest

River sat in the car with Serenity, staring at the house with worry until Tam cam out with a little boy. "Oh, hello, Chris" She said with a sweet smile. "My name is River Vallerin. It's very nice to meet you."

Chris clambered into the car and smiled at River. "Oh you're pretty." He smiled at Tam. "Your new friends are pretty."

Tam felt embarrassed. "Sorry... he's a bit... honest."

Chris then looked to Serenity's new pet ferret. "He's cute! That's awesome. My dad doesn't let me have pets." He shrugged and looked to Tam again. "I like them."

Once they got to Serenity's home Chris's eyes were wide and filled with excitement. "This is awesome! You live here, Serenity?"

" any one want to help me set up winters new Home" she asked with a smile.

Chris raised his hand eagerly. "ME! ME!"


Max shrugged. "Could go back to my place and hang out, I know Bonnie can have full run of the house if she wants."

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