The Ball Keeps Rolling

Kent smiled softly to her and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss, but didn't do it for too long for fear of grossing out Chris. "We can do that, but for now I want to get home and relax with you both." He explained with a smile before looking to Chris. "You good with that, buddy?"

Even though he was not verbalizing it, Kent prayed that Tam understood he felt like family with her. Wrapping an arm around her, he held the blond girl close.


River tilted her head at his last comment and nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess so." She answered and picked up a few fresh apples she could cut up into snacks for Serenity. " can I thank you for what you did?"

The blush returned full force as she thought about what she had just said. After being raped by Noah, she had not even attempted to get close to a boy, let alone date one. Yet, here she was, standing in the market trying to ask Jonah out on a date without actually saying it.

What was wrong with her?


Instead of facepalming, the possum dropped her head into a pillow Serenity had provided for them in the room, and gave Max a look that said, "Really?!" Junior simply made a little squeaking noise that sounded more like laughter.

Yazuhiko smiled as he listened to Max stutter and somehow found that absolutely adorable. "Would you like to have lunch sometime?" He finally asked.

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