Spare The Child, Spoil The Possum

Tam savored every moment, doing her best to not hurt him as they made love.

"I love you, Tamara..." He whispered at the end of it all, kissing the top of her head.

Tam looked up to him, kissing him deeply before she smiled. "I love you too, Kent..." She nuzzled into him again and sighed happily. After a moment of quiet bliss she clambered out of bed and gathered some clean clothes from her dresser. "Let's go give Chris a good day. Wanna join me in the shower?"


Lisa nodded and went over to Max and Serenity as they started their lesson. Meanwhile, Max looked to Yazuhiko and frowned as he noted River was rather at ease around him. "That's strange, she's wary of most men..." He wondered what made him so special. He continued to pet Bonnie on occasion, feeding her cheetos from the bag he brought from the car to keep her satisfied.

He got to work with the latest lesson for Serenity, and Lisa now it seemed. The girl seemed eager and friendly enough as it was.

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