Greetings and Tired Old People

Chris sighed as he finished his ice cream. "River... can we go home? I'm feeling tired and my shoulder hurts..." He rubbed at the area where he'd been shot and grumbled uncomfortably.


Jonah nodded. "Pleasure to meet you, Kent." Jonah noted Kent's appearance and the fading bruises. Either a fighter or a victim. Yet the look in his eyes told Jonah he wasn't one to stay a victim.

Lisa beamed and shook Kent's hand as well. "Nice to meet you, Kent!"

Max smiled. "I already love your parents like they are my own. Such sweet people." He said as Kevin laid down on the couch. Then at his second question Max shrugged. "I dunno... It sounds like he's never been able to control her... But hopefully this will be the push they both need." He thought about the look in Paul's eyes and sighed. "I do hope he's okay..."

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