Picking People Up

Kent shrugged as he shifted in place and looked to Tamara. "You can if you want. I don't know if they'll force me to stay out of work or not, after all." He said with a shrug, trying to ignore the pain in his leg as he sat down and ate the breakfast that River insisted they all eat today.

River ate her breakfast quickly before getting ready. "I'm off to get Yazuhiko. Good luck, guys!" She called back and headed out the door to her little car.


"I'm not..." Kevin bit his tongue as he let Renee continue. Her words felt like a slap to the face and he kept dwelling on them, kept dwelling on how bad things were for him. This all make the blond feel like a horrible individual.

Max wanted to slap her. "Let's see what Kevin wants to do first...?" He then looked to Kevin.

A distressed expression crossed Kevin's face immediately. "Uh...well, I mean..." He mumbled and tugged at his bangs, trying to hide his scar further. "It's best to get ahead of everything, right?" He inquired with worry.

Not only was this stressing him out, but he knew after they got done here, he and Max would have to pick up his parents. He was looking forward to that even less than this.

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