When You Don't Know What To Say

Kent squeezed Tam's hand, not too sure what to say as he gave Chris a sympathetic look. After what his so called "father" had done, he was unsure of what this kid's father might have been feeling when he chose to pull the trigger of that gun.

"Some parents just don't think straight, Chris." River explained with a sad smile. "I'm sure he loved you, but he was very bad at expressing it. When parents like him panic they often...do horrible things. You're alive and well now, though. You've still got Tam and all of us here to help you and keep you safe."

It was the best thing she could come up with.


"I don't know," Kevin replied as he pet Bonnie gently. "He's always been a really nice guy and takes good care of Bonnie when I can afford the vet visits. Even gave me a discount the last time I went in when she was sick that one time..."

Bonnie licked the mouse's face before nuzzling into Kevin's hand. She was more than happy to accept some loving.

What they did not know was that Paul did feel sorry for Kevin. Greatly so...

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