Checking In With The AI

JP with Omni and Lorem

Povel waved goodbye as the away team departed from the Nomad into the unforgiving icy environment. He didn’t envy the risk they were undertaking in the name of scientific adventure and was quite satisfied with the mundane task of checking the communication relays, antennae and dishes. It would just be routine procedures, hopefully, to ensure nothing was displaced during planetary entry and landing. After a while of waving, he realized they were well beyond looking back at all, and wondered why he even made such a prolonged gesture.

Collecting his gear, he turned and entered back into the Nomad, closing the bay doors behind him for now to keep the insides of the cargo bay from freezing over. His plan was to remain in the protective BMI MK. 7 Compression Suit and make his way through the interior of the ship towards an exit ladder which would lead up to the dorsal exterior.

On his way he glanced at his tablet, which had a readout to comms of the away team. Everything still looked strong with the signals despite the growing distance between them and the ship. As he trekked through the ships hallways, Povel inquired of the newly installed ship AI, “How are you doing Langley?”

While he was waiting for the ai to respond, povel was keeping an eye out for Xera or Ander, thinking they might be able to help speed up his work if they weren’t busy doing something else.

The childlike voice came over the room’s intercom.

…I am fully operational, thank you for asking. Continuing to monitor systems and data inputs. Is there anything specific you need assistance with Mr. Vieregg?…

Povel paused when he heard the voice, it noticeably effecting his emotional state. He had a proud smile, obscured by the helmet he still wore, the same helmet that simultaneously prevented him from wiping the tear from his cheek from a sense of awe. SAMiii had done a remarkable job of machine learning and nurturing the new AI system to its current state while they had all been in hyper sleep. He would have to remember to tell her as much when they had some down time. For now though it was back to work.

“That is wonderful. You are doing very well.”

His words were genuine and his tone was affirming. After a pause, “Yes, could you please have one of the androids meet me at the exit hatch for the dorsal side of the ship? I require their assistance with getting some of this technical gear up and outside.”

…Thank you for the feedback, Povel. I will relay your request now. An android will meet you at the dorsal exit hatch shortly. Is there anything else you require?… the AI responded.

“Thank you.” Povel replied as he started moving again. “Yes, if there are any discrepancies outside of normal parameters regarding the comms and video with the away team, could you send the notification to my helmets HUD?”

With that request made, he made his way to the exit hatch with the gear and waited for the Android.

…Of course, sir. I will notify you directly if any discrepancies are detected. Ander is en route to the exit hatch and will arrive shortly. Please proceed with caution, Povel…, said Langley, obediently.

“I will be careful, thank you for thinking of my well-being, that is very kind of you.” He replied.

When Ander finally arrived, Povel greeted the Android and informed him of the task at hand. He needed assistance getting the gear up the ladder, across the top of the ship, and to the dorsal side sensor peripherals. “When we get outside, make sure you fasten your security clip to the built in railing track. I’ve put a line on the gear too, so clip that as well. We don’t want anything falling off with the icy conditions and sporadic wind gusts. Affirmative?” Povel spoke to the Android like he was speaking to a regular person. Some had issues with androids, treated them as less than human especially those which looks like androids, but not Povel.

"Affirmative. Ready to proceed," replied the blue Working Joe, its buzzing voice cutting through the ambient hum of the ship.

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