Core Samples

Planet XI
Joint post with Omni, Jaxx, Liltroll2, and Kronus

The Nomad's ground team retrieved their various tools from the HTV's storage compartment and began setting up a staging area for sample collection in their current location. Nikolay activated and released a small metallic sphere into the air. The small device emitted a haunting, hound-like howl as it floated across the rugged terrain, scanning every inch of the frozen landscape. Its lasers swept in 360-degree arcs, sending back detailed topographical maps of the area to the Nomad's HoloTable and to the scientist's data tablets. Each subtle movement was tracked and recorded, their mapping capabilities revealing the hidden contours of crevice's in the ice and rock beneath the crew’s feet.

Dr. Adama looked at the scans that were sent to his tablet. He read them quietly as if he was looking for something specific. He then marked a few locations on the screen to show his target areas based on priority. Then he reviewed his target and placed them in order to sample from based on best choices. He then told the team he was going to take some core samples on the locations he marked. He then made preparations to unload the coring machine, ground penetrating radar and double check his suit before exiting the vehicle.

Rita also watched her tablet as the information came in and looked over the data.

"Are you going to need aide?" Rita wondered aloud without looking up from the data.

Dr. Adama turned to Rita Del Ray and smirked at her behind his helmet. He then replies, "No worries Ms. Del Ray, I do this alone all the time. However if you want to take some samples near by feel free. It might be helpful to your research." Then Dr. Adama goes back to finishing his preparations to exit the vehicle with his equipment.

From a holographic software on her data tablet, Elisabet watched the 3D scans of the environment form layer-by-layer in front of her. As she watched closely her eyes felt bleary, she was still feeling the effects of cryo. Even all this time later, handling it's effects was never her strongest point. She listened to the crew communicating through the comms systems. Waiting for her chance to make a suggestion. Waiting really for a suggestion to form in her mind at all.

Once Dr Adama unloaded the equipment from the vehicle he moved it to the first sample drilling location and began setting it up. Sadly due to the freezing cold temperatures Dr. Adama struggled to assemble the coring machine since the metal began to shrink a bit in size. Adama mumbled some not-so-nice words to himself as he was getting a bit stressed out till he finally got the machine to click into place. Once he was ready be calibrated the coring machine and linked it to his data pad for a bit more accuracy. Then he turned it on to prime the motor so it could adjust to the cold weather. He needed to see if there were any issues before he began drilling for his core samples.

Elisabet approached Dr. Adama, standing to watch what he was doing for a moment. "Is everything alright doctor? Can we be of any service?" she asked, as the doctor continued to work on some piece of equipment she couldn't even begin to understand. She guessed she offered to help just as a way of getting out of this damn cold.

As Dr. Adama was drilling for his first core sample, Elisabet asked if he needed help and he smiled at her as he replied, "Thanks but its faster if I do it my way. I need to see how well the equipment can work in this freezing temperatures. If you want to help then please keep an eye out on the area in case the ground cracks or some bad heads our way."

Then Dr. Adama got a blip on his data pad and checked it out. A smile grew on his face as he found trace amounts of rare earth metals, which were highly valuable for advanced technology and electronics. He replied, "This might just be a promising mission if I can get a better sample spot."

"What have you uncovered doctor?" Elisabet asked, she listened as strings of data bleeped and whined it's way to Adama's data pad. Everything seemed promising. The company would be pleased, that's what she hoped.

Adama continued to analyze the data as he replied to Elisabet, "Well I found some traces of Neodymium, which is a soft, silvery metal used in computer hard disk drives, microphones, headphones, and infrared lasers. I also found some traces of Dysprosium which is a highly magnetic element, also used in computer disks, lasers, commercial lighting, and energy-efficient vehicles. There traces of Cerium, which is the most abundant REE, used in magnets, electrodes, carbon-arc lighting, and precision glass polishing. And to add the cherry on top, I found traces of Platinum. If I can find a bigger source in the core samples, we can pay off our mission multiple times." Then Dr. Adama moved the coring machine a foot and began taking another sample while monitoring the equipment.

"Maybe this ball of ice isn't all bad. If that's the first thing you've found then maybe the future looks bright," Elisabet smiled in a half-assed kind of way.

Dr. Adama smirked as he replied, "It is a promising sign but don't drop your guard yet. This is still a dangerous planet and these temperatures are brutal. Depending on the situation we may need several days to take all my core samples. I have seen too many natural disasters to by pass safety. I'll relax when I am back home getting a fat payday."

Dr. Adama was very focused on his work and continued to stay on top of his coring and reading his data.

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