Ground Team

Planet XI
JP with Omni, Lorem, Jaxx, Kudzu, and Liltroll2

As they took their first steps onto the snowy surface of Planet XI, the Nomad ground team immediately noticed the difference in gravity. A sense of lightness permeated their movements, each step feeling almost bouncy, with much less effort required to lift their feet. Objects that would be heavy on Earth or the ship felt significantly lighter, making certain tasks easier but also requiring careful handling. The reduced gravity allowed for quicker, more fluid movements, yet demanded caution as the unfamiliar environment posed risks of misjudgment and overexertion.

Nikolay and Sestero found themselves at the edge of the landing zone, adjusting to the 0.6 G gravity in their own way. The lightness they felt was too tempting to resist. Niko held onto Sestero's forearm and jumped up and down. Then Sestero jumped and kicked off of Niko's legs as Niko held him up from the waist like a ballet dancer. Had their comms been active, the crew might've heard them giggling like teenagers.

Observing from the bottom of the ramp, Captain Yoshida shook his head with a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself. He activated his comms and spoke in a tone that was both authoritative and lightly amused, in his usual way.

tzzt Okay, cut the ballet rehearsal. We didn't come all the way out here to audition for Swan Lake. The last thing we need is someone pulling a muscle or worse, breaking their helmet before we even get started. tzzt

tzzt Acknowledged, Capitan tzzt, said Niko.

Sestero grinned and gave Niko a playful slap on the back. tzzt Looks like our interpretive dance career's over before it started. Let's get these vehicles ready before we have to start mining samples the hard way...with spoons. Hahaha-- tzzt

The two of them, amused with themselves, ceased their shenanigans and headed back to the ramp to get the vehicles ready.

Dr. Adama smirked at the others goofing off, but kept his thoughts to himself as he continued to monitor his readings. He would love to drop his guard and have a bit of fun but they were on the clock in a very dangerous place so they would need to save their fun after the mission was over and they had a fat payday coming. He had seen far to many mishaps in the past and it was a major issue to deal with injuries, broken equipment and even the occasional death on his past missions. This was why he was serious on the job and had his fun time on the space stations between his jobs. As for the change in gravity, it was not his first rodeo as he took his time adjusting to the gravity change.

Rita watched the two and shook her head at the action. Her own gear, packed with enough sample cases that one may actually think she wanted to just bring the planet home with her.

"Well...I wonder what they dreamed about.." Rita quipped and gave a look to Doctor Blaire for a moment before turning away.

Dr Blair chuckled at the antics of Nikolay and Sestero.

"So do I. Heheheh."

"Where did you find the readings again?"

"I saw favorable readings overlapping the area of Dr. Adama's promising mineral deposit, so initially we can kill two birds with one stone. Of course, I hope to sample many locations while we are here. And you? Where is this exciting new flora waiting for us at?"

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